Caring Cops from Rome to Mtubatuba Inspire with Pasta & Changing Tyres
A couple of posts going viral on Facebook at the moment celebrate fantastic policemen from Italy and South Africa doing their job brilliantly, even going beyond the call of duty… In Rome four policemen have inspired a nation with their kind gesture of cooking up pasta with parmesan for a lonely elderly couple who were overheard crying. The […]

A couple of posts going viral on Facebook at the moment celebrate fantastic policemen from Italy and South Africa doing their job brilliantly, even going beyond the call of duty…

In Rome four policemen have inspired a nation with their kind gesture of cooking up pasta with parmesan for a lonely elderly couple who were overheard crying.
The couple – 94 and 84 – were besides themselves with sadness after having had a lack of visitors for months, and being exposed to too much bad news on their television.
The cops, who were called by neighbours, took a break from crime to reach out and comfort them.
The subsequent post on the Italian policemen’s Facebook page has already received over 68,000 likes.
The post quite poetically begins: “It is not always an easy life. Especially when the city is empty and the neighbours are away on vacation. Sometimes the loneliness melts into tears. Sometimes it’s like a summer storm. It comes suddenly and overtakes one…”

And it ends with the fact that the dinner itself – a bowl of pasta with butter and cheese – was nothing special… but that it contained “a precious ingredient: inside it is humanity.”
Meanwhile, closer to home – in Mtubatuba, KwaZulu-Natal – a post on ‘Police pics and clips’ page has received over 12,000 likes. The post is a shout-out to local cops who went the extra mile to help the occupants of a broken down vehicle.

The post, with photographs, says: “Just want to thank these awesome men in blue that drove past us on Thursday morning at 03:00, made a u-turn, and helped us; not only did they drive 45km to get us a pump but also changed our flat tyre for us, they also followed us to a garage and ensured we can continue safely with our trip back home, these kind souls are HEROS that are definitely a asset to South-Africa and their communities! THANK YOU!!” (There’s no mention by the FB page of who wrote the message.)
One of the most popular comments has been one from Mashela Mamabolo who said: “This is what happens when you choose policing as a career and not just as a way to earn a salary. Heart warming story indeed.”
#ThankYouSAPS #GoodCopsGoodCops #InspiringPolicemenAroundTheWorld