Enchanted SA Story of Student’s Perseverance: “This is Not a Cry for Help”
Johannesburg resident David Shields has posted a story that’s going viral about true go-getter Sibusiso Nkosi who humbly asked him for help in getting an internship, after he had spent six years studying against all odds to attain a Communications Degree. David – co-founder of the awesome GEM project (a mobile payments platform which rewards volunteer […]

Johannesburg resident David Shields has posted a story that’s going viral about true go-getter Sibusiso Nkosi who humbly asked him for help in getting an internship, after he had spent six years studying against all odds to attain a Communications Degree.

David – co-founder of the awesome GEM project (a mobile payments platform which rewards volunteer service in local communities) – began his Monday post on Facebook with “THIS IS NOT A CRY FOR HELP! It’s not a plea for sympathy either. Today I simply want to tell you about what a truly magical country we live in…”
He then introduced his “dear friend” Sibusiso Nkosi (31) who has moved mountains to get a degree. Here’s what David wrote:
“Over the last 6 years he’s defied the odds and risen through both systemic and laissez-faire oppression to attain a degree in Communication Sciences. “6 years”, you ask? “What kind of “special” individual is this”? Truly special, the answer…
“You see, way back in 2011 when #FeesMustFall and other such protests had yet to rear their ugly heads, Sibu applied for a NSFAS loan. In his own words, “You bring the required documents and wait for an SMS. Get the SMS and you get the funding. No SMS. No funding. You have to wait till next semester to apply again.” And so he did. Year after painstaking year, Sibu applied for NSFAS and this is how it went down:
2011 – 1st semester – yes. 2nd semester – no.
2012 – 1st semester – no. 2nd semester – yes.
2013 – Both semesters covered. Had to work piece jobs to afford his living. Not waitering at an upmarket restaurant in Bryanston. We’re talking gardening, painting, building – real handiwork.
2014 – Both semesters covered.
2015 – Neither semesters covered. Began working as a security guard.
2016 – Stayed on as security guard. Final year to complete.
“Over the last few months I’ve had the privilege to watch this guy come to work (in the complex I live in), exuding charm and personality, diligently going about his business whilst maintaining a strict work ethic.
“Sibu arrives at 6pm and works until 6am; doing assignments and essays in-between his job as a security guard.
“He then walks to UNISA (city centre) to check up on emails, do printing, and complete coursework by 7am. At 9am he’s done with pre-prep and takes a taxi home to rest before getting back up at 3pm.
“By 4pm he’s in the city and walking to work. Ready to sacrifice, hungry to succeed.
“Sibu’s done this for 13 months. 396 days. How’s that holiday job working out for you? So before I get cynical about how shitty this country can sometimes be and how difficult most people have it despite the opportune few closing their eyes and ears to abject poverty, I just wanted to highlight this true and genuine, diamond in the rough. Today he knocked at my door, gave me a piece of paper, smiled and said, “You’ve been served.”
“As I open the letter, the grinliest grin one could imagine rips across his face. 36 credits. 6 years. 1 degree. Complete.
“After a 10 min happy dance, I asked him, “Btw, why did you study communications?”
“His reply, “Because there are many great brands out there which have helped to shape this country, to move it forward and to make it laugh when all else seemed lost. It could have fallen apart so easily but it didn’t. I want to tell that story. I know it best.”
“Now what kind of horrible, terrible, deceivingly deceptive individual would I be if I didn’t at least play my part in all of this? After 6 years of studying, you know what Sibu asked from me? “Dave, can you help me get an internship?”.
“Come on man, that’s enchanted South Africa for you. This festive season, if it’s the only goddamn thing you give, SHARE this post and let’s get this guy an internship at a MARKETING OR ADVERTISING agency in Jozi. Be that f*&*^in change people! It starts… right… here.”
Since sharing Sibu’s story, David has been inundated with offers for the awesome graduate!
#GoDavidShields #GoSibusisoNkosi #GoBeautifulMagicalSouthAfricans
“No one gets very far unless he accomplishes the impossible at least once a day.” – Elbert Hubbard
Read David Shield’s full post here.