Farmer Risks Life to Save Eskom Worker from Burning Vehicle
A farmer from the Free State, Stoffel Boshoff, is being hailed a hero after saving an Eskom worker from his burning bakkie. The car’s petrol tank exploded just minutes after Stoffel dragged the unconscious man from his vehicle. Stoffel (29), from the Vredefort/Koppies area, became an instant hero when he reportedly ran approximately 900 metres – […]

A farmer from the Free State, Stoffel Boshoff, is being hailed a hero after saving an Eskom worker from his burning bakkie. The car’s petrol tank exploded just minutes after Stoffel dragged the unconscious man from his vehicle.

Stoffel (29), from the Vredefort/Koppies area, became an instant hero when he reportedly ran approximately 900 metres – and ventured through flames and heat – to rescue Bloemfontein utility worker and father of four, Tefo Lenyora, from certain death.
According to Netwerk24 the bakkie burnt out within 10 minutes of Stoffel rescuing Tefo.
The incident occurred last Wednesday. Luckily for Tefo, Stoffel was on his way to Olienkop when he noticed smoke. Initially he thought it was from a veld fire, but then realised it was coming from a Toyota Hilux. He found Tefo unconscious at the wheel.
Netwerk24 reports that Tefo is in a critical but stable condition at Milpark Hospital’s burn unit (in Johannesburg).
Stoffel suffered burns to his arms and fingers but told Netwerk24 that “Ek is net verskriklik bly ek was op die regte plek op die regte tyd om tot Tefo se redding te kom.” (I’m really happy I was in the right place at the right time to come to Tefo’s rescue).
Tefo and his loved ones are sure to be really happy that the right person was in the right place at the right time!
On his Facebook page, Stoffel’s friends have written how proud they are to know him.
Read the full story here.