Durbanites Rally to Help a Good Man Find a Job
While waiting for positive change in parliament is taking a little long for some, there is a massively positive drive happening in South Africa from the ground-up. Ordinary individuals helping each other out. Today’s story comes from Durban where a small gym studio owner Riaan Dohne, from Ri Shape, posted a message on Facebook a few […]

While waiting for positive change in parliament is taking a little long for some, there is a massively positive drive happening in South Africa from the ground-up. Ordinary individuals helping each other out.

Today’s story comes from Durban where a small gym studio owner Riaan Dohne, from Ri Shape, posted a message on Facebook a few hours ago asking people to please share his post and help him find a job for a fellow hard-working South African who has run out of luck.
Riaan introduced Brian Dlamini, a man he met a year ago when Brian walked into his studio and started training without realising it was a members-only class.
“I saw him and let him be, and after class I spoke to him and he told me a bit about himself, and I decided to give him a free membership… and he has never missed a class since,” wrote Riaan.
Recently Brian asked if he could take home some old roof panels Riaan had stored in his gym. Riaan said sure since he wasn’t using them, although he had no idea what Brian would need them for.
“He had no transport and walks everywhere so he asked if I could one Saturday after class maybe help him and take it to his home. Not thinking much of it I agreed and after class we loaded up my bakkie and he took me to his place.
“As we drove I noticed we were entering an area with no more actual road and we were in the heart of Chesterville Squatter camp.
“We arrived at a random spot, we off-loaded the panels and carried it for a while cause where he stayed there was no road for a car to drive and so we made a few trips.”
He then asked if he could introduce Riaan to his mother who he looks after.
“I said of course and I met his mother… and then he said to her ‘this is Riaan mom… the man who’s been letting me train and keep fit at his gym, the man I prayed for God to put in our lives.’ And she was all lovely and nice to me and said thank you etc. Bless her.
“But then it hit me… that this isn’t all just simply about a guy that just gyms by me… everything I now saw in a different perspective as I put myself in his shoes living like he does in those circumstances. How his daily life must be and what struggles he must face.
“I was kinda walking around shocked at this reality and then he showed me the holes in the tin roof and said when it rains it gets very cold in here and water gets in so he is going to use the pallets to try cover the holes.
“He then asked if I would sit down so he can show me his CV he kept safe in a plastic sleeve in a shoe box under his couch and asked if there was anyway I could help find him ANY job.
“He said he was currently doing training at a construction company… without pay and without a contract and he said they just told him after 6 months they might have a job for him. He works from 8am to 5pm for these guys and only gets money for transport and a R100 here and there at end of the week.
“We all know that there will be NO job after 6 months for him. These guys are just taking advantage of his good nature and his situation and he’s just naive in believing there will be a job for him there at the end.
“So I’m asking FOR HELP.
“This man is so genuine and loyal and so hard working. Just reflecting on all of this just shows what an amazing character and attitude he has and that he just needs an opportunity and I mean any opportunity.
“He currently is 36-years-old, looks after his mother, and has no source of income… yet has never complained or asked for money.
Riaan then also left his phone number. Within minutes and hours offers came pouring in. Not just for job interviews for Brian, but from people who wanted to buy groceries and clothing for him and his mother.
In an update Riaan said he will get Brian’s proper CV this weekend and respond to all the emails and offers. “Obviously cos of where he stays he has no phone or way I can contact him. So will get him a phone he can use and see him Saturday at class. Thank u so much.
May God bless all u beautiful people. This has made my heart very happy. ????”
South Africans are doing it for themselves…
View Riaan Dohne’s Original Post with Brian’s CV here: