DA Party Won’t Party in Tshwane as Part of Magufuli-esque Cost-Cutting Measures
PRETORIA – In a move that echoes that of Tanzania’s cost-cutting President Magufuli, the new Mayor of Tshwane, Solly Msimanga, has today announced two immediate measures to cut costs for the new administration. In a statement released Wednesday by the Democratic Alliance (DA), it said the Mayor has put a stop to all inaugural parties, and catered […]

PRETORIA – In a move that echoes that of Tanzania’s cost-cutting President Magufuli, the new Mayor of Tshwane, Solly Msimanga, has today announced two immediate measures to cut costs for the new administration.

In a statement released Wednesday by the Democratic Alliance (DA), it said the Mayor has put a stop to all inaugural parties, and catered inaugural events for Tshwane’s new Executive, and has stopped celebratory dinners and lunches which only benefit politicians.
“We must serve the people, not party with public funds.”
Today Tshwane’s Msimanga said: “This new government in Tshwane has stopped the spending of exorbitant amounts on food and parties for politicians.
“We must serve the people, not party with public funds.
“My focus now is to assess the massive issues we have inherited in Tshwane, and there is no time to stop for lavish dinners and lunches.”
Mayor Msimanga has also placed a moratorium on all international travel for politicians and officials of Tshwane, and international travel will only be allowed on application to the Mayoral Committee subject to a cost-benefit analysis.
Msimanga said: “There are benefits to international travel for trade and investment, but a culture of taking trips to conferences and junkets all over the world will not be allowed under my government.
“I have stopped all new international travel requests and we will carefully scrutinize each one individually.”

This is similar to measures implemented by Tanzania’s Magufuli when he became President in October last year… inspiring the hashtag#WhatWouldMagufuliDo, which became a global sensation.