New SA Movie for South Africans Abroad: Johnny Is Nie Dood Nie
Every South African should see this multi-award movie! Boasting seven awards from the prestigious Silwerskerm Festival – including Best Feature Film – Johnny Is Nie Dood Nie is a masterpiece of South African cinema. Johnny is nie dood nie is the first feature film from writer/director Christiaan Olwagen, and was hailed by reviewers as ground-breaking and […]

Every South African should see this multi-award movie! Boasting seven awards from the prestigious Silwerskerm Festival – including Best Feature Film – Johnny Is Nie Dood Nie is a masterpiece of South African cinema.
Johnny is nie dood nie is the first feature film from writer/director Christiaan Olwagen, and was hailed by reviewers as ground-breaking and brilliant.
Now Showmax subscribers living overseas can also see what the fuss is about: from today the movie will be available on Showmax for your viewing pleasure on Smart TV’s, tablets, smartphones or computers (with English subtitles available).
WATCH Trailer: Johnny is Nie Dood Nie – on Showmax International now
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The film tells the story of five friends who were students in Stellenbosch in 1987 and ’88, who then get together again in 1992 to reminisce about the past in the wake of Johannes Kerkorrel’s suicide.
The film is based on Malan Steyn’s drama Eet alles, which was later renamed Johnny is nie dood nie, and the cast includes bright young stars like Rolanda Marais, Albert Pretorius, Ludwig Binge, Ilana Cilliers and Roelof Storm.
Although it isn’t pertinently about the life of Johannes Kerkorrel, the film makes reference to artists like Kerkorrel, Bernoldus Niemand and Koos Kombuis, and their influence in the stormy years before change came to South Africa.
If you lived through those times or have an interest in that period, this is just the film for you.
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Elke Suid Afrikaners behoort hierdie film te kyk wat met sewe Silwerskerm Filmfees Toekennings spog insluitende “Beste Film.”
Johnny is nie dood nie is skrywer-regisseur Christiaan Olwagen se eerste vollengte film, en word deur resensente as grensverskuiwend en briljant beskryf. Dit het ook verskeie toekennings by die Silwerskermfees ingepalm. Nou kan Showmax-intekenare wat oorsee woon ook sien waaroor die bohaai gaan: die fliek sal vanaf 18 Maart op Showmax beskikbaar wees vir jou kykplesier op Slim TV’s, tablette, slimfone of rekenaars. Die fliek fokus op vyf karakters wat in 1987 en ’88 studente is op Stellenbosch, en die kulturele rewolusie van die Voëlvry-beweging meemaak. In 2002, kort nadat Johannes Kerkorrel homself om die lewe gebring het, ontmoet hulle weer en onthou die verlede. Die fliek is gegrond op Malan Steyn se drama Eet alles, wat later herdoop is as Johnny is nie dood nie, en die rolverdeling sluit blink jong sterre soos Rolanda Marais, Albert Pretorius, Ludwig Binge, Ilana Cilliers en Roelof Storm in. Alhoewel dit nie pertinent oor die lewe van Johannes Kerkorrel gaan nie, maak die fliek verwysing na kunstenaars soos Kerkorrel, Bernoldus Niemand en Koos Kombuis, en hulle invloed op die ontstuimige jare voordat verandering na Suid-Afrika gekom het. As jy deur daardie tyd geleef het of die tydperk wil verstaan, is hierdie die fliek vir jou.
If you’re a South African living abroad – subscribe to Showmax for this and many other fantastic local shows and movies. Click here for a 14 Day FREE Trial!