WATCH One of Derek Watts’ last big interviews about his career, cars, Carte Blanche and life
Carte Blanche presenter Derek Watts sadly died this morning. Listen to this wonderful interview he did with SAPeople last year…

As we mourn the passing of one of the giants of South African television, Derek Watts, who passed away Tuesday morning 22 August 2023, after a battle with cancer, watch one of Derek’s last big interviews almost a year ago today – on The SAPeople Podcast with Melanie Walker and Jenni Baxter, recorded live at the Solid Gold Studios in Johannesburg. Watch down below.
During the interview, a very relaxed Derek still kept his age secret (74) but was far more open about stepping down from Carte Blanche “within a year or two” after being with the current affairs show since its inception, perhaps moving to Cape Town, and spending more time at the place he had bought in Blythedale, KwaZulu-Natal.
Even for South Africans who moved abroad, Derek remained a familiar face for many, watching Carte Blanche streamed on Showmax International. Watch the interview below as Derek talks about how much “life is worth living”…