South African Expat’s Photo Tribute to SA Farmers from The Netherlands
On Monday 30 October 2017 South Africans all over the world wore black to mourn the deaths of all the farmers who’ve been murdered. Just like every other South African I feel frustrated with the ongoing violence that South Africans of all races face daily. It is evil, brutal and unnecessary… writes Vicky McLachlan. I live […]

On Monday 30 October 2017 South Africans all over the world wore black to mourn the deaths of all the farmers who’ve been murdered. Just like every other South African I feel frustrated with the ongoing violence that South Africans of all races face daily. It is evil, brutal and unnecessary… writes Vicky McLachlan.
I live here in the Netherlands since January of 2017. I love living here, but I constantly worry about all of my friends and family that still live in South Africa. When my phone rings at night I panic thinking could this be the call telling me that my parents were attacked and killed.
I always feel so happy and proud when I get to buy South African products on the shelves here in NL, it makes feeling homesick just a little easier!
Today I went on a mission to see how many products I could find that come from a South African farmer. A farmer who is fighting to keep himself and his family safe. I am sure there are plenty more but the photos on this page is what I found.
I’m not really sure what I want to achieve with this blog post. I guess I just want to create awareness and the only way I know how is with photos and stories.
Maybe, just maybe, it will reach someone who cares enough to say, “enough is enough!!”
Maybe I want to challenge every other person in the world to go out and find products that come from the South African farmers. People need to realize that “biologische blauwe bessen” (organic blueberries) do not fall from the sky!
I feel sad knowing that SA products of the highest quality can be bought on many of the shelves here in the Netherlands, while farmers that supply these products are facing hell everyday!
It just doesn’t seem right.
On Monday I wore black and I mourned with every other South African personally affected, (including myself), by farm murders.
Here are some of the statistics:
34 000 farmers are suffering the effects of drought and natural disasters, while also trying to protect their lives and produce food for 55 million South Africans.
Since 1 January 2017, at least 341 farm attacks have been committed, during which 70 people have been murdered.
There were 11 attacks and 4 murders on farms in 5 days before #BlackMonday.
By Vicky McLachlan.
Vicky McLachlan is a photographer and visual storyteller… with her heart in South Africa and her feet in Holland. Read more on Vicky’s blog: vicky.mclachlan.nl
Watch the full story behind #BlackMonday on Carte Blanche: This week the current affairs programme investigates the rising tensions over farm attacks, and asks what are the solutions. Available to expats from Tuesday. If you’re overseas – subscribe to Showmax to watch Carte Blanche (and other popular shows from home). FREE 14-day trial.