flamenco dancing pix

Lee Schneider On Teaching Flamenco (Spanish Dancing)

By SAPeople 09-10-20 22:07

I taught flamenco (Spanish dancing) since 1995 at a studio in Houston… writes Lee Schneider. In 2003 I moved to the D.C. area and struggled to find a similar opportunity. My very large house had a huge basement with three unfinished rooms. One of those rooms was always considered as a potential dance studio. In […]

A view from Chicago

By SAPeople 13-09-15 14:57

Submitted by Jules Cohn Hi ALL, We live 30 miles from Chicago. We immigrated to this part of the world 14 years ago. I lived in Jo’burg and my wife is from Norhtcliff. I grew up in Delmas and recently sent stories to SA Jewish Report on life there in 50’s, 60′ and 70’s. I […]

Reg Bamford of 1st Contact fame

An Interview with 1st Contact Founder Reg Bamford

By SAPeople 09-10-20 22:04

Reg Bamford’s website 1st Contact is one of those must-use sites for any South African on  a working holiday to the UK. Here, the 42-year-old entrepreneur – who happens to have walked to the North Pole – discusses life, lessons and the positive attitude that enabled him to build a successful company overseas. 1. You […]

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