The Not So Normal Life of an Expat Wife

By THE SWEDISH AFRICAN 05-07-15 21:51

Back in the day when I lived a relatively normal life, I ended up sat in one of those stiff, four-walled office interviews where the interviewer asked me — quite originally — where I saw myself in five years’ time. Bored by the question, I sat there rather straight-faced, stared out of the window and […]

Fantastic Starfish Event in London TONIGHT

By SAPeople Contributor 01-07-15 23:35

Starfish Greathearts Foundation, a charity working with children in South Africa orphaned or made vulnerable by HIV and AIDS, are holding an inspirational evening of jazz and classical music alongside traditional songs from South Africa this evening. The event – ‘Hope and Harmony’ – promises a wonderful line up of musicians, including: Queen of Afro-Jazz Pinise […]

South African winner in Richard Branson Virgin contest

South African Entrepreneurs Win in Virgin’s Pitch to Rich Competition!

By SAPeople 27-06-15 08:48

Congratulations to South African entrepreneurs Jeff Paterson and Oliver Du Toit who won a major business competition in the UK today, and are now poised to revolutionise the way the world exchanges foreign currency! And thanks to all those South Africans who voted to ensure they secured a spot in the top three and were able to pitch […]

Top 30 Things a Foreign Expat Misses about South Africa

By Sine Thieme 26-06-15 17:59

Some of it is obvious, like the view from Table Mountain, and some of it is not, like street vendors and school uniforms. I grew up in Germany and now live in the USA. Here are the 30 things I remember most fondly from our expat life in South Africa: [vc_button title=”1″ color=”default”] Hadedas Hadedas […]

Another South African Trevor Making News in the USA

By SAPeople 24-06-15 15:58

Trevor Noah isn’t the only South African ‘Trevor’ export to hit US shores. First there was Trevor Jones (now 66), an orchestral film score composer from Cape Town whose credits include ‘The Last of the Mohicans’. And then there was fellow musician and film score composer Trevor Rabin (now 61) who is again making news this […]

South African Tweeters (Jokingly) Thank Shuttleworth for “Picking Up the Nkandla Tab” (He Didn’t!)

By SAPeople 18-06-15 21:33

After celebrating a landmark victory against the Reserve Bank last year and pledging the millions he won to help other South Africans who can’t afford their own constitutional court cases, South African billionaire expat Mark Shuttleworth has today lost that legal battle. And since the figure that he paid the Reserve Bank was R250-million, just R4-million more than what […]

South African march in London

“Saffers” in London to March for South Africans Back Home

By SAPeople 12-06-15 16:46

South Africans in the UK will be marching in London tomorrow, in support of those back home, with Trafalgar Square playing its part in hopefully once again bringing about positive South African transformation. The expats in the UK will be standing united in support of basic human rights back in their homeland, South Africa. The march will […]

Vote for South African Entrepreneurs (with Awesome Invention) to Pitch to Richard Branson!

By SAPeople 14-06-15 21:29

A couple of die-hard South Africans overseas, who have risked everything to follow their dream, are on the verge of something “enormous”… and would appreciate our voting help to get a chance to pitch their concept to Richard Branson. UK-based entrepreneurs Jeff Paterson and Oliver Du Toit, both from Johannesburg, have created a machine that millions of travellers will want to […]

Really? Johannesburg in California? And Durban in France?

By SAPeople Contributor 08-06-15 17:33

There is a name on the American website that looks very familiar: Randsburg, California. Not far away is – you guessed it – Johannesburg! There’s also CapeTown…and over the Atlantic, in France, is a town called Durban. Randsburg, California The small town of Randsburg is nearly a ghost town today (although one reference puts the population at […]

The Last Word…South Africa, We Love You

By SAPeople 07-06-15 20:45

In response to all the open letters bashing expats…I’d like to say there are so many sides here. Yes, you get the expat hell bent on taking South Africa down, but to be honest – living as an expat and having family living as expats all over the world – these people are few and far between. […]

South African Expats Respond – “I Am Sorry” and “Why?”

By SAPeople 03-07-18 12:34

Every time I see yet another article from another South African moaning about the negativity of expats, and clearly writing with their rose-tinted glasses on, I get angry. Really angry. Hulk angry. The overwhelming theme of South African bloggers and writers lately seems to be the attack of the expat. How dare we leave South […]

Some of My Best Friends are Expats, But…

By SAPeople 06-06-15 14:41

Some of my best friends are expats. No, really. I’ve been through two waves of people leaving South Africa for various reasons, to the extent that I remember lying awake at night wondering who my future children would have as playmates. (I’m pleased to report that their social life has survived.) So now I have […]

Fiji Police Commissioner Ben Groenewald

Brave South African Expat becomes Fiji’s Newest Hero

By SAPeople 03-07-18 12:34

South African expat, Major General Bernadus Groenewald, is making headlines in Fiji, Australia and New Zealand with his bravery. Groenewald, who happens to be the Commissioner of Police in Fiji, confronted five thugs at a Suva restaurant, armed only with a chair! In a story headlined “Heroes of the Night”, the Fiji Times said the […]

NYAFF Poster featuring image from South African film Love the One you Love.

Film Festival in NYC says ‘Hello Africa’!

By Ursula Botha 27-05-15 17:45

In celebration of the 22nd New York African Film Festival (NYAFF) an exciting line-up of over 25 films from more than 15 countries from Africa will be screened 6-12 May 2015. It is thrilling to see how the vision for Africa – from Burkina Faso to Botswana, from Ghana to South Africa – is being […]

POEM: I Want to go Home

By SAPeople Contributor 12-09-16 10:56

A poem by Faieza Mx, now living in Queensland, Australia… I want to wake up to the Majestic Table Mountain Always standing, Always there, Never failing Its beauty astounding As it watches over Cape Town The ocean so blue… Camps Bay, Strand, Boulders Sea Point I want to go home to gaardtjies shouting ‘hullo, hullo, […]

Sharing Too Much on FB? SA Hubby Speaks Out on Mean Baby Pic Letter

By SAPeople Contributor 17-04-15 12:56

The South African husband of an Australian mom who received a ‘poison pen’ letter about photos she posted to Facebook has spoken out against his wife’s so-called friends. The letter is receiving worldwide attention as it grapples with a topic familiar to so many social media users.  How many baby photos is enough? Should we really post photos of […]

South African biltong

Jerky Biltong in the USA? Um, Not So Yum…

By SAPeople Contributor 17-08-19 22:53

It had to happen. After Trader Joe’s, the hugely popular and huge supermarket chain in the USA (think Woolies but a bit cheaper), brought out its South African BBQ Potato Chips, biltong wasn’t more than a whiff away. And so the store has recently rolled out ‘The South African Inspired Biltong Beef Jerky.’ The American […]

When Deciding to Move Down Under

By Marlize Venter 14-04-15 09:36

We have all done it, and many of us will continue to do it. We have tried to sell Australia. We say, “Come, it is the best thing you can ever do. Your kids will thank you. You will be a fool if you do not take the opportunity. This is the land of milk and […]

4 Unique Things South Africans Do that I Still Don’t Understand

By Mark Wijsman 22-04-15 23:06

Moving to another place gives one the opportunity to learn and understand cultural habits and traditions, and I’ve had the fortune to do so on multiple occasions. Being abroad also gave me the chance to see my own country – the Netherlands – from an outside perspective, and see how incredibly (weird) silly we Dutchies […]

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