Message In a Bottle… from a South African Abroad: “I Wish I Never Left”
You know that feeling when you’re dronkverdriet and your emotions rise as fast as the alcohol went down? But while some people use that moment to declare their undying love for an ex, South Africans living abroad can find themselves declaring their undying love for the country they left behind. South Africa. A former Johannesburg […]

You know that feeling when you’re dronkverdriet and your emotions rise as fast as the alcohol went down?
But while some people use that moment to declare their undying love for an ex, South Africans living abroad can find themselves declaring their undying love for the country they left behind. South Africa.
A former Johannesburg resident, now living in California, posted the following message of regret and love on Facebook (and this was before the DA’s Herman Mashaba was elected mayor of Joburg!).
He wrote: “I’m a little drunk right now and when you’re drunk your true feelings come out. I wish I never left South Africa. My soul is African. I belong in South Africa, and I will be going home.”
It’s a sentiment felt by many – but not all – expats from every country in the world. The pull to return ‘home’ to where one grew up… but perhaps none feel it as strongly as those from Africa, a continent so different to any other…
You can take the expat out of Africa… but you can never take Africa out of the expat…
P.S. There are many South Africans abroad who are very happy and satisfied with their new life… but it doesn’t stop them still loving South Africa!