Celebrate SA Heritage Day in Virginia, USA
South Africans are gathering in Leesburg for their first annual SA Heritage Day festival…

For South Africans in the USA, particularly in Virginia, there’s a very lekker SA Heritage Day Festival planned for this Sunday 24 September 2023. This promises to the first of many.
Marianne Postmas, CEO of The Hadeda Box, told SAPeople: “We’re hosting our first annual Heritage Day festival on Sunday 24th, plus we have vendors selling South African curios, clothes and groceries.” (The Hadeda Box provides bespoke SA-themed boxes for people in the USA. The boxes include SA favourites like biltong and Ouma Rusks along with hand-made curios which help support growth in SA.)
For braai-loving South Africans, the festival will have everything you’re looking for – from boerewors to biltong, droewords, peri peri prawns, bunny chow, samoosas, biryani, milktart and more. Beverages include wine, sangria and cider. And for vegetarians there’s a special Snack Pack that includes samoosas and vetkoek!

There will also be rugby screenings and a kiddies’ corner with activities for them; as well as a “raffle with a massive hamper filled with tons of goodies including: Iwisa mielie meal; Iwisa samp; Smarties; Ouma Rusks; Biltong; Droëwors and SO much more valued at over $150.00”, according to Marianne.
There’s also live music, with Chelsea Johnson performing on Sunday afternoon between 12 and 3pm.
Fabbioli Cellars
15669 Limestone School Rd
Leesburg, VA 20176
DATE: Sunday 24 September, 2023
TIME: Vendors will be available from 11am to 4pm (16h00).
You can find details to pre-order below:

MORE info: www.hadedabox.com or contact hadedabox@gmail.com

If you’re having a South African Heritage Day get-together anywhere in the world, let us know… and please send photos afterwards: jen@sapeople.com