Home » Your 67 Minutes on Mandela Day

Your 67 Minutes on Mandela Day

Thousands of South Africans around the world took up the challenge yesterday to dedicate 67 minutes to doing some good in their communities – on Nelson Mandela International Day. Let us know if you took part – write to admin@sapeople.com (and please attach a photo if possible). My daughter and I registered with Cheese Kids […]

27-02-15 22:32

Thousands of South Africans around the world took up the challenge yesterday to dedicate 67 minutes to doing some good in their communities – on Nelson Mandela International Day.

Let us know if you took part – write to admin@sapeople.com (and please attach a photo if possible).

My daughter and I registered with Cheese Kids and did our 67 minutes at a children’s home in Khayelitsha on Sunday, 17 July. We met at the Old Mutual Building in Pinelands and were transported by bus to our destination. We received our Nelson Mandela t-shirts and must say I am wearing mine with pride today.


Lorraine Rogers

Western Cape


Wearing their shirts with pride
Wearing their shirts with pride
Mandela Day
Lorraine and her daughter

My mother in law, my mom and two of my friends and I made 67 sandwiches and handed them out to pre-primary schools kids, to street cleaners and anybody we could find on the street for lunch today in honor of Mandela day!

God is good

Gayle Botes, George


Handing out sandwiches
Gayle: "This is Mrs W van Rensburg from George, handing our sandwiches to a few street folks. She said she really enjoyed giving back to SA people even if it was such a small contribution. Happy Birthday Mandela – here is to everybody who did their 67 minutes today!"


Handing out sandwiches
Gayle: "The lady in the photo is my mother in law Mrs M Botes, she also stays in George and is handing out sandwiches to the hungry kids in the local township after their day at school."

South African singer and Superstar winner Burger le Roux put his support behind Uitsig:

South African singer Burger le Roux put his support behind Uitsig
South African singer Burger le Roux put his support behind Uitsig
Uitsig Animal Rescue
Uitsig Animal Rescue
Uitsig Animal Rescue
Uitsig Animal Rescue