WATCH Newlands, The End of an Era on Carte Blanche this Sunday, 8 November
This week Carte Blanche investigates how a fake advocate was allowed to masquerade as a member of the legal profession for many years, expropriation without compensation and much more. You can watch the show on Sunday 8 November in South Africa on DStv Now or stream it overseas in most countries from Tues 10 November […]

This week Carte Blanche investigates how a fake advocate was allowed to masquerade as a member of the legal profession for many years, expropriation without compensation and much more.
You can watch the show on Sunday 8 November in South Africa on DStv Now or stream it overseas in most countries from Tues 10 November if you’re abroad.
Newlands: The Final Bow
One hundred and thirty years of history finally come to an end as Newlands Stadium sings her swansong. After years of negotiations, the Western Province Rugby Football Union is moving house to the majestic Cape Town Stadium, leaving Newlands behind. Players and fans alike have been left devastated by the decision and despite their valiant efforts, it’s the end of an era for the grand old dame. Now the countdown begins in earnest as the final match to be played draws closer. Carte Blanche bids farewell to a dowager of South African rugby. (Producer: Liz Fish | Presenter: Macfarlane Moleli)
Watch the show overseas | Watch in SA on DStv Now
Old, too expensive to renovate and in dire financial straits – #NewlandsStadium is losing the fight against the wrecking ball. We travel down memory lane with some of the #rugby greats this Sunday on #CarteBlanche at 7pm. @macmoleli pic.twitter.com/GCPpRI4SUW
— Carte Blanche (@carteblanchetv) November 5, 2020
Will the Real Adv. Petronella Please Stand Up?
Your identity is who you are… or is it? In the case of one Petronella Jansen van Vuuren, her stolen identity has allowed her to earn an income, representing clients as an advocate and masquerading as a long-standing member of the legal profession. Fake Petronella has bamboozled client after client over the years. In the post-lockdown era where so much of life is conducted online, Carte Blanche stages an elaborate sting during a High Court costs hearing on Zoom, to turn the tables and reveal how the identity of another advocate was stolen. (Producer: Sophia Phirippides | Research: Tony Beamish | Presenter: Derek Watts)
Watch the show overseas | Watch in SA on DStv Now
A case of #IdentityFraud is not unusual in South Africa, but it takes on a whole new meaning when it enters the realm of the legal profession. This Sunday, @DerekWatts exposes a fake advocate on the job during a High Court hearing. Join #CarteBlanche 7pm @MNet pic.twitter.com/YoJzL86XnX
— Carte Blanche (@carteblanchetv) November 5, 2020
Expropriation Without Compensation – Unpacking Land Reform Realities
After two years of consultation and thousands of submissions from the public, the long-awaited and highly contested Land Expropriation Bill has finally been gazetted – this as tensions around farm security and access to land continue to deepen. Now it’s up to Parliament to debate the new law that details how and when expropriation can take place. This reform is intended to overturn deep race-based inequalities in land ownership. But in some areas of KwaZulu-Natal, farmers and tenure claimants blame the government for a persistent lack of land reform and volatile friction in the region. Carte Blanche investigates some of the fraught relationships between farmers and residents that land reform is meant to resolve. (Producers: Niel van Deventer & Hendrick Hancke | Presenter: Claire Mawisa)
Presenter Claire Mawisa says:
Landowners who have bought the property, and the land dwellers that have lived and worked on that land for generations, both have a stake in that land but finding a middle ground, which is just and provides restitution, has become the tricky part.
Watch the show overseas | Watch in SA on DStv Now
Long-anticipated and debated, the #LandExpropriation Bill was gazetted a month ago. @clairemawisa investigates what it means amid #LandReform that’s been limping along in KwaZulu-Natal. That's #CarteBlanche this Sunday at 7pm on @MNet channel 101. pic.twitter.com/7y9OuKJ66w
— Carte Blanche (@carteblanchetv) November 4, 2020
T H E W E I R D & W O N D E R F U L
Kitty Cams
Cats are popular pets and some have even gained celebrity status on social media where they have millions of followers, but some devoted cat owners will find it hard to believe what their sweet furballs get up to when the sun goes down. A study has shown that in Cape Town, domestic felines kill at least 28 million wild creatures a year and they’re now among the 100 most invasive animals. A University of Cape Town study strapped tiny cameras and GPS trackers around the necks of cats to study their nocturnal habits. Carte Blanche takes a look at what the study revealed about our feline friends. (Producer: Liz Fish | Presenter: Masa Kekana)
Watch the show overseas | Watch in SA on DStv Now
Do you know where your sweet, furry feline is spending its nights? University research reveals that one cat can kill up to 90 animals a year – and 80% of what they kill they won’t bring home. What can you as a cat owner do to help curb the hunting? #CarteBlanche Sunday 7pm @MNet pic.twitter.com/KcfvtkYf8j
— Carte Blanche (@carteblanchetv) November 4, 2020
If you’re in SA – you can watch Carte Blanche on DStv Now.
If you’re overseas – you can watch #CarteBlanche from Tuesdays, and thousands of other popular local South African shows & movies by subscribing to Showmax International now. You can try it FREE for 14 days.
Carte Blanche is on M-Net & M-Net HD [101], November 8 2020 at 19:00 & again on M-Net Plus 1 [901] at 20:00
Please note: Carte Blanche is only available to international Showmax subscribers in Andorra, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, San Marino, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom. Not all titles are available in all territories. Showmax brings you the best South African series and movies, from the classics to the latest releases, from complete box sets to kids’ favourites.