Snake Scares Clinic Staff in Gauteng, South Africa
Treatment at the Magagula clinic in Katlehong has been severely disrupted because a cleaner spotted a snake inside the clinic on Monday 11 July, but snake catchers could not find it and staff fear that the snake is still around. “Staff were evacuated when the snake was first spotted, and snake catchers arrived the next […]

Treatment at the Magagula clinic in Katlehong has been severely disrupted because a cleaner spotted a snake inside the clinic on Monday 11 July, but snake catchers could not find it and staff fear that the snake is still around.
“Staff were evacuated when the snake was first spotted, and snake catchers arrived the next day. After failing to find the snake they said that the snake could still be hiding in boxes in the clinic,” explains Jack Bloom – DA Gauteng Shadow MEC for Health.
On Thursday last week the clinic’s management promised that the Gauteng Department of Infrastructure Development (GDID) would take the boxes and furniture outside, but the problem is that GDID workers are also scared of snakes… so they refused to take the things outside!
The clinic is a four-roomed house packed with boxes where the snake could be hiding.
Clinic staff have not worked in the clinic for seven days in the last two weeks, and are requesting to work in other clinics.
“Meanwhile, patients are suffering because of the disruption in treatment,” says Bloom. “I have alerted the Gauteng Head of Department to this sad situation which cannot be allowed to continue.
“Professionals should be brought in to thoroughly examine the clinic to ensure that staff and patients are safe from the snake.”