PHOTOS: Hats Off to SANDF and SAP Officers Risking Their Lives to Protect South Africans
On 26 March 2020, Cyril Ramaphosa ordered that a 21-day lockdown be implemented until 16 April 2020. As part of these measures, the SANDF was deployed to assist police in ensuring residents stay indoors during this lockdown, except to buy food and medication or to get medical attention… writes Durban photographer Kierran Allen who is […]

On 26 March 2020, Cyril Ramaphosa ordered that a 21-day lockdown be implemented until 16 April 2020. As part of these measures, the SANDF was deployed to assist police in ensuring residents stay indoors during this lockdown, except to buy food and medication or to get medical attention… writes Durban photographer Kierran Allen who is covering the Lockdown in KwaZulu-Natal for SAPeople.
As most are aware there are those who comply with the lockdown rules and those who do not; and in some areas it seems like business as usual!
During my time documenting the spread of the virus I have also come across people who genuinely have no idea why we are in a state of disaster and the serious implications it is having on our country.
Each and everyday I am tasked with covering a different aspect of the lockdown and or spread of the virus.
I have seen first hand what SAPS, Metro, SANDF and numerous other reaction units like Marshall Security and PT Alarms are dealing with. I really take my hat off to all the people putting in the long hours to ensure this country sees the light at the end of these very dark times!
Unfortunately there are those who choose to break the “rules”. Personally I think people who are not adhering to the lockdown protocol are going to reach a point where they find themselves in jail.
This lockdown is paramount in the fight against the spread of the virus and those who choose to go against it are going to be the cause of this lockdown continuing! This is the first time something like this has ever happened and it will be forever engraved in our history!
By overstepping the boundaries, you actually diverting the attention of emergency services – for example, SAP being called out to people gathering at a petrol station for “a coke and a smoke”, rather than SAP responding to a real emergency! I have witnessed loads of people just not complying.
Guys, just stay at home it’s that easy, your trip to your mate’s house for a beer is taking time away from real police work, real issues, real problems!
Today I spent time down in Isipingo documenting the SANDF as they go about their duties. People breaking the law were put in jail!
It was alarming to see the streets teeming with people as hundreds queued for their “Essential goods”.
We are not even half way yet, I read the stats online, I don’t know whether to believe them or not…
Again hats off to those putting in the hours, risking infection, risking their families and to each & every person out there working together we will beat this!
South Africa will win if we work together!
You can follow Kierran Allen for daily updates on his Facebook page, or here: www.kierranallen.com