PE Teenager Survives Shark Attack in Plettenberg Bay, South Africa
A 14-year-old male teenager from Port Elizabeth has survived a shark attack in Plettenberg Bay, South Africa, late Saturday afternoon. NSRI said in a statement on their website that NSRI Plettenberg Bay duty crew were activated at 17h07 on Saturday 29 April, following reports that a person had been bitten by a shark at The Waves… […]

A 14-year-old male teenager from Port Elizabeth has survived a shark attack in Plettenberg Bay, South Africa, late Saturday afternoon.

NSRI said in a statement on their website that NSRI Plettenberg Bay duty crew were activated at 17h07 on Saturday 29 April, following reports that a person had been bitten by a shark at The Waves… which is a popular surf spot at Keurbooms, Plettenberg Bay.
The teenager had been out surfing at backline when the incident occurred. There were another two surfers on the waves. The 14-year-old apparently turned to catch a wave when he saw a fin approaching him.
NSRI says he then “felt a bump and he felt a bite on his right calf”.
The teen managed to catch a wave to the beach where he was met by his dad, who had witnessed the scary incident… and by bystanders who rendered assistance while raising the alarm.
The NSRI rescue crew responded directly to the scene, the AMS/EMS Skymed rescue helicopter was placed on alert, Med-Life ambulance services responded and the sea rescue craft Free Runner, Airlink Rescuer and Leonard Smith were launched.
On arrival, NSRI found the teen already on the beach with bite marks and bite lacerations to his right calf… sustained from the shark bite.
He was treated by NSRI medics and by paramedics on the scene for his injuries before being transported to hospital by ambulance in a stable condition where he will receive sutures.
Although he is fortunately in a stable and satisfactory condition, he will be kept in hospital overnight as a normal precaution.
Shark researchers will investigate to determine the species and size of the shark but initial indications lean towards the bite being made by a White Shark of approximately 2 meters length… but this has not yet been confirmed.

Yesterday, in a media statement at 15h06, NSRI, had issued a ‘SHARK ALERT’, advising that bathers, paddlers and surfers along the Southern Cape coastline – “in particular around the Plettenberg Bay in-shore area” – exercised caution because there had been an increased number of sightings of sharks. NSRI said the increase at this time of year is normal… as sharks take advantage of naturally occurring prey like seals and fish close in shore.
Plettenberg Bay NSRI is well prepared for attacks – it now carries emergency medical shark kits on all rescue boats and on the NSRI rescue vehicle and NSRI Plettenberg Bay medics are carrying these emergency medical shark kits in their private vehicles in an effort to ensure the quickest response to any incident.
The national Emergency number in South Africa is 112, dialled from a cell phone.