#MugabeFalls Memes Multiply…
If there’s one lesson to be learnt from the #MugabeFalls incident it’s that in this day and age, it’s a mistake to try and control your brand image. With social media as it is – once something’s out there, you can’t get it back. Had the Zimbabwe president not allegedly asked photographers to delete the shots of him tripping […]

If there’s one lesson to be learnt from the #MugabeFalls incident it’s that in this day and age, it’s a mistake to try and control your brand image. With social media as it is – once something’s out there, you can’t get it back.
Had the Zimbabwe president not allegedly asked photographers to delete the shots of him tripping down a small flight of steps outside Harare airport…none of these memes may have been created.
At first it seemed wrong that the internet was making fun of an elderly man stumbling down some stairs.
But the more these pictures are shared (and it’s relentless right now), the more one realises that actually these photos make 90-year-old Robert Mugabe look pretty debonair for a man his age. He has the posture of a man decades younger.
And there’s something about his suit, his stature….and the fact that his pic has been inserted into uber-cool scenarios like surfing a great wave, dancing with Beyonce and doing some Michael Jackson moves that quite frankly make the 90-year-old look almost cool.
So perhaps the president should relax and enjoy the fact that for a moment people are distracted by his photographs rather than his policies (which have caused Zimbabwe to be ranked as one of the world’s worst countries for civil liberties several times during his 34-year rule).
Below are just a few more of the many, many #MugabeFalls pics being shared on social media right now…