The Miss South Africa Drugs News is FAKE (So Is Miss Kenya, Miss Guyana etc.)
If you have been sent or shared any negative news today about Miss South Africa, it is not true. Many of the sites who have reported on Miss South Africa today have urls that at a quick glance appear to be reputable media outlets… but on closer inspection are fake – for instance Te1egraph (instead […]

If you have been sent or shared any negative news today about Miss South Africa, it is not true. Many of the sites who have reported on Miss South Africa today have urls that at a quick glance appear to be reputable media outlets… but on closer inspection are fake – for instance Te1egraph (instead of Telegraph) and Metro-co.com (instead of Metro.co.uk).

Identical pages were set up on these fake news websites for other countries’ beauty queens too, replacing South Africa with the other country’s name and Miss SA Ntandoyenkosi Kunene’s name with that country’s winner… as seen below with Miss Kenya.

The fake story claims that the beauty queen was arrested at London’s Heathrow Airport with two kilograms of cocaine hidden in two bags of coffee.
Claudia Henkel from Sun International told local media that Kunene is in fact relaxing at her apartment” here at home in South Africa.
Henkel said the fake news was written with “malicious intent”… although it is more likely that it was written, as many of these multiple stories are, to be “link bait” to make people click through to the sites and then click on links or adverts that generate income for the fake site.