Message from ‘Gatvol’ South African: Why Am I Still Here? (And Prince Mashele’s Interview)
There’s a message currently being shared from a “gatvol” South African, summing up how he (or she) sees the current state of play: The message, from an unnamed South African living in the country, begins: “I loathe to have to share the realities of life here in good ol’ S of A, and always choose […]

There’s a message currently being shared from a “gatvol” South African, summing up how he (or she) sees the current state of play:

The message, from an unnamed South African living in the country, begins: “I loathe to have to share the realities of life here in good ol’ S of A, and always choose to just focus on family (or my cats), but here I am, incredibly gatvol…”
The person then shares a message they’ve copied from a friend, entitled: “Why am I still here?”
The message says:
“Interesting priorities in politics in South Africa.
“Petrol price highest ever, unemployment at worst levels, housing backlogs, disgraceful education levels, disastrous service delivery, militant and racist unions wrecking hospitals.
“Crime out of control, innocent civilians… slaughtered on a daily basis, general lawlessness, a sense of entitlement and belief under communities that violence is the answer to everything, a culture of looting under tinpot politicians, discrimination against minorities on the basis of skin colour, general decay and bankruptcy of municipalities, SOE’s and R2 trillion national debt.
“But none of these things are more important than renaming airports – a national priority…”
The following interview with The Sowetan columnist Prince Mashele – who also seems to be “gatvol” – was broadcast on Tuesday night in South Africa, and has also started to go viral: