A Message from Jenna’s Family – “Make Each Moment Count”
Jenna Lowe’s family has posted a message tonight following the tragic death on Monday of their beloved sister and daughter. To honour her memory, they urge others to become donors and to post red and white photos on Jenna’s 21st group page. Twenty-year-old Jenna won the hearts of the nation when she launched her #GetMeTo21 campaign last year inviting people to […]

Jenna Lowe’s family has posted a message tonight following the tragic death on Monday of their beloved sister and daughter. To honour her memory, they urge others to become donors and to post red and white photos on Jenna’s 21st group page.

Twenty-year-old Jenna won the hearts of the nation when she launched her #GetMeTo21 campaign last year inviting people to her 21st…if they helped her get there by becoming an organ donor. Thanks to her campaign over 4,000 people in South African signed up and much needed awareness was raised.
Tonight Jenna Lowe’s family wrote:

You have loved her, you have learnt from her, you have been inspired by her.
You have followed her journey, you have taken her into your hearts,
you have joined the nation in her call to action.
Together we will honour her legacy in every way we can.
Together we will find a way to cope with this brutal sadness.
We, her family, thank you from the bottom of our hearts…
If you want to honour our Jen please encourage everyone you know to become an organ donor, encourage everyone you know to make each moment count… be kind, be gentle, be brave, be bold .. be authentic
We will have a private memorial for our girl and then, when we have lifted our heads, we will forge the way forward.
If you want to hold her close then combine the colour of love (red) and the colour of purity (white) and post a pic of yourself here for Jen.”
With so much gratitude … Gabi, Stuart and Kristi Lowe
[vc_button title=”Post Photos to Jenna’s 21st Public Group” target=”_blank” color=”default” size=”size_large2″ href=”https://www.facebook.com/groups/710845692340944/?fref=nf”]
[vc_button title=”Sign Up as an Organ Donor” target=”_blank” color=”default” size=”size_large2″ href=”https://www.getmeto21.com/#subscribe”]
Read a Tribute to Jenna’s Mom. A Testament to a Mother’s Love.