So Which Are the Good Medical Aids in South Africa?
So what’s your experience with your medical aid? GEORG KNOKE, a publicist in Johannesburg, posed this question today after having yet another negative experience with his medical aid regarding his spectacle frames. Georg says: “I hate medical aids! Apart from their horrendous fees, when finally claiming, there are a thousand excuses to NOT pay out! […]

So what’s your experience with your medical aid? GEORG KNOKE, a publicist in Johannesburg, posed this question today after having yet another negative experience with his medical aid regarding his spectacle frames.

Georg says: “I hate medical aids! Apart from their horrendous fees, when finally claiming, there are a thousand excuses to NOT pay out! Example is #Discovery #Bankmed!
“Despite having virtually no claims this year, with a large monthly contribution – and having a huge amount of savings still available – there is now a delay in paying for the frames I purchased!
“#Bankmed told the supplier that I have to pay cash – as there are no savings! Absolutely not true!
“Apart from computer-generated replies, the human beings that should assist, are suddenly missing in action! Dismal customer service!
“If we skip one medical aid payment, there is BIG trouble! But it’s okay when #Bankmed slurs with their payout – when we HAD to pay out of our own pocket! Disgrace!
“What is your experience? Hopefully better!”
Several South Africans responded to Georg’s question… many with good news about their medical aids.
Ty V said: “I just picked up my new frames+lenses; it cost just over R4k and 100% came out of medical savings without batting an eyelid – so I’m chuffed.” He didn’t mention which medical aid it was.
Rob H said he was “very happy” with Nedbank Medical Aid. “Paid R5,000 towards glasses that came to R7,200. Have had numerous operations and procedures – no problem.”
Andy L said he’s gone through a “heavy one for my medical aid” this year with a broken wrist requiring an operation and physio; and a trip to Casualty in an ambulance after a bike accident. “Profmed paid it all no questions,” he said.
Some complained that medical aids have become like insurance companies.
Carel V shared her own Discovery disaster – “Discovery refused to pay to have a tumour removed from my breast five years ago. Firstly saying it was ‘cosmetic’, then stating that I should have waited either a year or so for it to become malignant. It was pre-malignant, so not if, but when…”
Chaim S however had a positive Discovery story: “In all the years I have been with Discovery, I have never had any problem. Even when my late wife was in Linksfield Hospital, the account came to thousands of rands… they paid out with no problem.”
Georg says in his case the amount owing for the frame is just R2,500. “It’s a simple transaction! I pity people that have more complicated medical claims!”
So what’s your medical aid experience? Which ones are worth recommending?