What The FLAKKA?! Calls For Urgent Action as Zombie Drug Hits South Africa
Renowned anti-drug advocate Anthony Hall has kept his promise to do all he can to protect the children of South Africa from deadly drugs… and to do his utmost to have a Commission of Enquiry into the “drug world of the Western Cape and eventually the whole of South Africa”. A week ago Hall, RAEL […]

Renowned anti-drug advocate Anthony Hall has kept his promise to do all he can to protect the children of South Africa from deadly drugs… and to do his utmost to have a Commission of Enquiry into the “drug world of the Western Cape and eventually the whole of South Africa”.
A week ago Hall, RAEL Founder/CEO, posted an urgent plea on SAPeople which many responded to: “Friends tonight I humbly beg you from my heart and soul, help me approach the Western Cape High Court to force Zuma to declare Flakka a national emergency. I have just seen it on the Cape Flats, we will lose a generation in a year!! … We can’t say one day if only. I AM PLEADING WITH CAPE TOWN AND SOUTH AFRICA. Tonight I am crying and so is my wife, she can’t stop. Warm regards and God Bless.”
A few days later Hall announced that he and Advocate Denzil Potgieter would be bringing an urgent class action against Government to establish the Commission of Enquiry, to open all beds in Valkenberg and Stikland to treat FLAKKA addicts amongst others, to reinstate SANAB (South African Narcotics Bureau) to expose the main Drug lords and to begin compulsory drug education in schools.
Flakka is the dangerous ‘zombie’ drug that was first seen in Australia and the USA with horror scenes being spread on the internet of users in a state of panic. The extremely addictive and hallucinogenic drug has now made its way to South Africa. Fears are that it will spread very fast.
Yesterday Hall kept his promise and started the civil action.
Hall says: “This civil action has required a huge fee out of my pocket as this drug will wipe out a generation in no time, and I can’t stay silent and watch our nation’s children become Zombies. We need to get a nation mobilised to save our children and loved ones…
“Premier Helen Zille now has 10 days from [yesterday] to respond or we will be in the High Court after 10 days.
“Anyone wishing to join this high court action that may end up in the Constitutional Court can contact me.
“This is a very humbling moment for me and done at huge expense… [but] what Price do we put on our children’s life? Please keep us in prayer and thought as I embark on my biggest challenge since sobriety.
“The picture above is of the first page and last page of a 26-page document sent to Premier Zille. Our Advocate is Denzil Potgieter SC instructed by Attorney Elton Shortless. God’s will be done.”
SAPeople asked Hall to explain a little about Flakka…
What is flakka?
The drug has become a global phenomenon after thousands of videos bombarded the internet showing users in a state of panic and hysteria.
People who take the drug are often left unable to talk and have no idea what is going on around them until the drug wears off. When people take the drug, they become a clear danger to themselves and others. Recent local reports indicated that a Durban man who took the drug physically bit off a chunk of someone’s arm while high.
Experts say the high from flakka can be compared to the high caused by snorting cocaine, the only difference, flakka has the potential to be much more dangerous.
Flakka, also known as “gravel” or “the gateway to hell” drug, is a synthetic stimulant made from cathinone – an amphetamine-like drug found in bath salts.
Is flakka really worse than the other dangerous” drugs?
The answer here is a definitive yes. A typical flakka high can last several hours before the effects wear off. It is also possible and reasonably common that the neurological effects are permanent. The drug “sits on neurons but can also destroy them”.
Link that together with the fact that Flakka stays on the brain for longer than cocaine, the extent of the damage to the brain could be maximised even further.
It’s not just your brain that Flakka destroys, medical experts worry that flakka users could be on dialysis for the rest of their lives. Why? The drug destroys the kidneys over time.
Answers supplied by Anthony Hall, CEO/Founder RAEL Organization – info@rael.co.za / rael@breede.co.za
Many concerned South Africans are sharing photos of what they think is Flakka – the below is NOT Flakka.

This is Flakka:

Some Facts and Figures on Drug Use in South Africa
Info provided by Rael and sourced from mainstream news sites, the WHO and fact checking sites):
- In June 2017 the Cape Town Drug Counselling Centre reported a spike in hard drug abuse among Western Cape teenagers. Apparently the four substances causing the biggest problems at that time were: dagga, alcohol, heroin and tik.
- Drug consumption in South Africa is twice the world norm.
- 15% of South Africa’s population have a drug problem.
- Drug abuse is costing South Africa R20-billion a year and could pose a bigger threat to the country’s future than the Aids pandemic.
- According to SAPS figures, 60 percent of crimes nationally were related to substance abuse. In the Western Cape, the figure was closer to 80 percent. The perpetrators of these crimes are either under the influence of substances, or trying to secure money for their next fix.
- The recently-released United Nations World Drug Report had named South Africa as one of the drug capitals of the world.
- Studies show that the average age of drug dependency in South Africa to be 12 years old, and dropping.
- Corruption is a problem. Earlier this month Hawks arrested a Cape Town law enforcement officer found with ‘gang-linked’ mandrax.
- In 1995 there were approximately 125 drug syndicates in South Africa, now there are 438. (2007)
- Flakka is reportedly priced from R400 to R1 000. In August last year a teenager in Florida, US, stabbed a couple and ate the man’s face. Austin Harrouf is believed to have taken the drug before killing the couple.
“Please Share – Our nation is dying from Substance Abuse.” – Anthony Hall RAEL Founder/CEO. Please contact info@rael.co.za / rael@breede.co.za if you would like to help and support.
Anthony Hall, founder of RAEL (Recovering Addicts Empowering Lives), is a former drug squad and murder and robbery unit detective who went from being a successful businessman to the park bench… through alcohol and drugs. Today he’s one of the most sought after motivational speakers.