Video shows Dramatic Arrest of allegedly Innocent South African in Norway
It appears a South African expat was treated badly during what seems to have been a wrongful arrest in Norway, in an area renowned for being frequented by Nigerian drug dealers. (See video below.) The woman, Nobuhle Mbilase Enyam, and her ex-husband Jean Felicien Enyam were allegedly given no explanation for why they were being arrested. Nobuhle – who […]

It appears a South African expat was treated badly during what seems to have been a wrongful arrest in Norway, in an area renowned for being frequented by Nigerian drug dealers. (See video below.)

The woman, Nobuhle Mbilase Enyam, and her ex-husband Jean Felicien Enyam were allegedly given no explanation for why they were being arrested. Nobuhle – who suffers from a chronically injured back – felt intense pain during the arrest and, as can be seen in the video below, cried out in agony as police held her down to handcuff her.
She was bruised and hurt during the arrest, and was later discharged without all her clothes on.
SAPeople was alerted to this story by Koubang Thicke, a South African student studying abroad. She sent us a link to a Norwegian newspaper report in which photos are published which clearly display Nobuhle’s bruises.
Koubang says this “sad treatment of foreigners in Norway” has become prominent.
“Nobuhle Mbilase Enyam is a South African who has been living in Norway for the past 26 years, and she received very bad treatment from the police here in her hometown of Oslo, Norway!
“Please recognise that the struggle against racial profiling is prominent in Norway, and this is sadly just one case in a bundle of many.
“This case managed to surface because my parents refused to let it pass, but sometimes people feel they are fighting an invincible battle!
“I hope that this piece, although in Norwegian, can demonstrate that not all citizens are equally treated in 2014!”
In response to someone who asked why Nobuhle doesn’t return to her native South Africa if she feels badly treated in Norway, Koubang explains that “she has lived abroad for three decades and Oslo is her home… her children don’t have a South African father therefore it is not a given that she should pack up and leave everything behind.
“It’s not as if there isn’t any space for us here…it’s about accepting people…welcoming them and not judging them based on the exterior!!!”
Nobuhle told the Dagbladet newspaper that what happened that night reminded her of conditions back in South Africa that she never dreamed would happen in Norway.
The South African admits she did resist arrest but only because no explanation was given for why she was being arrested.
Police have said there are many Nigerians selling drugs in the area but insist arrests are made because of reasonable grounds for suspicion and not based on skin colour.
The case is under investigation. Nobuhle and her ex-husband want answers as to why they were arrested and why she was discharged with only her top and underwear on.
The article appeared in the Dagbladet and can be read here (with photos).
Watch Video: South African Dramatically Arrested in Norway