Matric class of 2023 sit for their first paper
Nearly a million matric learners will sit for their for their first paper on Monday as exams kick off across the country.

With the start of the National Senior Certificate examinations today, Minister in The Presidency Khumbudzo Ntshavheni, has expressed confidence in the work done by the Department of Basic Education, schools management and educators to prepare the Class of 2023 for their final exams.
In a statement, the Minister said, “We are also confident that the learners are ready and have prepared for this crucial examination period. As we wish the Class of 2023 all the best, we take this opportunity to remind them that it is their determination and hard work that will yield positive results.”
More than 95% of registered matric exam candidates (almost a million learners) will sit for the English additional language paper today.
Government has called on parents, guardians, and society as whole, to support these learners as they get tested to become future leaders and impactful role-players in communities.
More than 717 377 full time candidates and 181 143 part-time candidates in the public education system alone are registered to write the final examinations across 6 898 centres nationwide.
At the end of this examination period, the Class of 2023 will have collectively written 207 exam papers.
Government has urged parents and guardians to play a supportive role in their children’s academic journey and create a stress-free environment for studying.
“It is common for learners to feel anxious or overwhelmed during this time and learners are advised to talk to their parents, teachers, someone they trust or contact the South African Depression and Anxiety Group on 0800 567 567.
“The country has a collective responsibility to ensure that the first day of the National Senior Certificate (Matric) examinations are not disrupted,” the Minister said.
Government also extended well wishes to the more than 72 500 invigilators in 6 898 exam centres, who carry the responsibility of ensuring the integrity of the exams at the coal-face of the examinations.