Almost 4 000 years of experience from Cape Town librarians
To commemorate National Librarians Day, Cape Town gave a nod towards its 268 librarians with almost 4 000 years of experience between them.

Librarians get recognition
The City of Cape Town celebrates National Librarian’s Day today, 10 July, by raising awareness for the incredible profession and giving a nod to all of the city’s librarians.
According to the City, Cape Town currently has 268 librarians with a collective 3 743 years of service, almost 4 millennia!
Among these 268 librarians are 45 who have more than 25 years of service on their shelves, and 48 who joined in the last five years.
While 80% of the City’s librarians are women, 38% are 50+, and 23 members of the staff complement are under 30.
Cape Town’s Mayoral Committee Member for Community Services and Health, Councillor Patricia van der Ross said that their librarians were the proverbial glue that holds the service together, and so National Librarians’ Day simply had to be celebrated.
“Our library membership numbers continue to grow – a sign of just how valuable these facilities are to communities, but also proof that we remain in step with the changing landscape. The blend of staff and the different levels of experience and interests are key to ensuring that we can meet the needs of all our patrons, irrespective of age,” van der Ross said.
“Our library membership numbers continue to grow – a sign of just how valuable these facilities are to communities, but also proof that we remain in step with the changing landscape. The blend of staff and the different levels of experience and interests are key to ensuring that we can meet the needs of all our patrons, irrespective of age,” van der Ross added.
Celebrating a special day
According to the City, National Librarian’s Day is to be celebrated and also aims to safeguard libraries as valuable community spaces that advance community development as well as promote the love for reading through marketing of reading and writing activities. The days also advocates for and promotes libraries as the hub for accessing valuable information for general knowledge, education, development and recreation.