SASSA application 2024: Five things you need
If you’re thinking of putting forward a SASSA application in 2024, here are the five items the South African Social Security Agency will always ask for.

If you’re thinking of putting forward a SASSA application in 2024, here are the five items the South African Social Security Agency will always ask for. You are correct, some social welfare schemes require an asset and means test, others need proof of guardianship, but this don’t necessarily apply to every SASSA application. Let’s explain …

As you’re no doubt aware, April 2024 saw an increase in social grants across the board. These were announced by the Finance Minister during the February budget speech and came into effect this week. Therefore, if you’re a citizen in need, there’s no better time than now to make your SASSA application in 2024. Here’s what you’ll need …
According to Gov.za you must always provide a South African bar-coded identification. If you cannot produce one (it’s been lost or stolen), a SASSA official will take your fingerprints and you will be referred to the Department of Home Affairs to apply for new ID while your application is processed. However, if you do not get one in time, your application will be suspended.
Any SASSA application in 2024 requires you to produce proof of residential address. This typically takes the form of a utility bill with the address name stated on it. However, if there is no account in your name, the owner of your home/dwelling can make an affidavit declaring that you live at that particular address. The utility bill must then be attached to the affidavit. Similarly, if you stay in an informal settlement, you must produce a signed affidavit, with an official date stamp from the ward councillor, confirming your address.
Between SASSA and the DHA, officials need to confirm your income before approving social welfare. To that end, you must produce a bank-certified, three-month bank statement. You can get this online from a banking app, at an ATM machine, or inside the bank itself. This information will help SASSA confirm if you do indeed qualify for financial assistance.
No matter if it’s a SASSA application in 2024 for Older Persons, Childcare or Disability, you will need to complete an application form. Some (but not all) can be downloaded beforehand HERE. However, applications for old-age pension and most childcare grants can only be completed at a SASSA branch/office with an official present.
Also note that if you’re too old or sick to travel to the office to apply in person, you may nominate a family member or friend to apply on your behalf. This applies for Older Persons, Childcare, Disability or War Veterans. To get third-party assistance, you need to draft a letter and/or get a doctor’s note and have it certified. It must explain why you are unable to visit the SASSA office personally.

Those are the five must-haves for any SASSA application in 2024. However, there are also key differences between Older Persons, Childcare and Disability applications. Old-age pensioners have to be over the age of 60 and prove their current income through an asset and means test. To that end, you cannot earn more than R86 280 (if single) or R172 560 (if married) annually. Similarly, your cannot have assets worth more than R1 227 600 (if single) or R2 455 200 (if married).

To make a SASSA application in 2024 for Child Support, you must be able to prove you do not earn more than R52 800 (if single) or R105 600 (if married) annually. Crucially, for all childcare grants, you must prove you are the child’s primary caregiver. Biological parents or grandparents count. But if you are not the child’s parent, you must provide proof through a signed affidavit from a police official and/or social worker. A letter from the principal of the child’s school is also valid.
ALSO READ: SASSA: April disability grants can be collected today