aarto laws rollout
With AARTO rollout nationwide supposedly set for this coming Monday (1 July 2024), we wonder if they department has its affairs in order. Photo: AARTO.

Home » Experts explain the benefits of AARTO

Experts explain the benefits of AARTO

Experts have argued that the implementation of the AARTO Act is still positive despite it being marred by endless delays.

aarto laws rollout
With AARTO rollout nationwide supposedly set for this coming Monday (1 July 2024), we wonder if they department has its affairs in order. Photo: AARTO.

The latest delay to the implementation of the Adjudication of Road Traffic Offences (Aarto) Act should not be seen as the ‘end of the road’.

The CEO of MasterDrive, Eugene Herbert, says: “The recent delay in the implementation of the Act was discussed to provide more details on what it means and dissuade the notion that implementation will not happen.

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According to Labour Guide, AARTO is responsible for the administration, collection and adjudication of fines related to road traffic offenses.

Alta Swanepoel, from Alta Swanepoel and Associates, along with Herbert spoke at an ‘Insights into AARTO Power Chat’ webinar according to Motorpress.

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The crux of the chat was around how Aarto can benefit private motorists who correct follow the rules of the road.

“By adhering to traffic rules, individuals can significantly mitigate chances of being impacted by infringements. For those that are caught breaking a rule of the road, a swift response to notices can also substantially lessen the overall impact,” Herbert said.



According to section 1 of the act its purpose is to;

(a) to encourage compliance with the national and provincial laws, municipal by-laws relating to road traffic and to promote road traffic safety;

(b) to encourage the payment of penalties imposed for infringements and to allow alleged minor infringers to make representations;

(c) to establish a procedure for the effective and expeditious adjudication of infringements;

(d) to alleviate the burden on the courts of trying offenders for infringements;

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(e) to penalize drivers and operators who are guilty of infringements or offences through the imposition of demerit points leading to the suspension and cancellation of driving licences, professional driving permits or operator cards;

(f) to reward law-abiding behaviour by reducing demerit points where they have been incurred if infringements or offences are not committed over specified periods;

(g) to establish an agency to support the law enforcement and judicial authorities and to undertake the administrative adjudication process; and

(h) to strengthen co-operation between the prosecuting and law enforcement authorities by establishing a board to govern the agency.