Cheetah spotted in Djibouti for the first time in over 30 years

Cheetah spotted in Djibouti for the first time in over 30 years

By Fazila Olla 03-08-23 23:21

Good news tends to be scarce in the international conservation arena, so the recent confirmation of the presence of a wild cheetah in Djibouti after an absence of more than 30 years from this Horn of Africa country had wildlife researchers smiling broadly. But one cheetah doesn’t necessarily make a population, they warned. Cheetahs are […]

Snow alert

Where do birds go in the winter?

By Lisa Greyson 02-08-23 12:09

In winter, some birds seek shelter from harsh weather conditions. While some birds migrate, others adapt to their regular habitat. WHAT BIRDS DO WHEN IT SNOWS During snowfall, birds actively seek suitable shelter. They look for warm, predator-free spots with access to food. Here are some common hiding spots for birds during the snow. 1. […]

How to stop your dog from barking at other dogs during walks

By Lisa Greyson 31-07-23 18:31

Walking our dogs benefits both them and us. Everyone gets exercise, and dogs stay less bored with their energy released. It’s a win-win situation! However, meeting other people walking their dog can be tricky if your dog barks at others. ALSO READ: Top 10 best dogs to share bedtime with It can rile up other dogs and […]

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