Terminally Ill Zimbabean Man Desperately Seeking Twin Sister
A terminally ill 67-year-old man from Zimbabwe, Willem Erasmus, is apparently desperately searching for his long last twin sister; and has turned to social media and Southern African expats around the world to help him find her. In a post on Facebook, published on his behalf, Willem says “if you are a female born 12 […]

A terminally ill 67-year-old man from Zimbabwe, Willem Erasmus, is apparently desperately searching for his long last twin sister; and has turned to social media and Southern African expats around the world to help him find her.
In a post on Facebook, published on his behalf, Willem says “if you are a female born 12 March 1949 in Salisbury / Harare Zimbabwe… you may well be my twin sister”.
In a twist of fate, Willem and his twin did meet each other in 1972 at Le Coq d’Or Night Club in Harare.
“I had no idea then that I was a twin, but when I saw you I came to chat to you because we looked so similar,” he said. “You shared that you were born on the same day and were adopted… Never did I think for one moment then that you were my sister.”
It was only later, on his mother’s death bed that she revealed to Willem that he had been a twin.
He says that he has been searching for his twin sister ever since.
“Now I am terminally ill and I desperately want to find you.”
Through the search, he has been reunited with a cousin, Hendrina Jacobs, who has kindly provided the photos on this page in the hope that someone will see a resemblance to his twin sister.
The only other identifying information Willem has is that his twin may have a mole on the right side of her nose.
The post was sent to a Zimbabwean page by Stoffel-Beulah Van Wyk. He wrote: “Please help share far and wide. Let’s help Willie find his twin sister. She might share the same birth date and not realise that she has a wonderful brother out there who is desperately looking for her. Your help will be much appreciated. Thank you.”