Mmusi Maimane encourages Zimbabweans to VOTE
Build One South Africa leader Mmusi Maimane has encouraged Zimbabweans to go out and vote for change today.

Build One South Africa leader Mmusi Maimane has encouraged Zimbabweans to go out and vote for change today, Wednesday, 23 August.
Millions of Zimbabweans are expected to flock to their nearest polling stations today to cast their votes. However, as much is being predicted about the outcome, reluctance from the locals is being speculated.
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But Maimane is encouraging all Zimbabweans to exercise their democratic right and vote for what he calls ‘change’.
“My fellow Africans, this is a significant day in the life of the nation of Zimbabwe. Democracy must rise, and therefore I am calling on all Zimbabweans to vote for change. It is important that first and foremost, you do VOTE. It cannot be that people sit back and say the elections cannot work and therefore they are not voting. I am calling on you to go and cast your ballot and vote for change,” he said.
He added: “Secondly, I want to call out the Zimbabwean Electoral Commission, it has to ensure that it publishes results immediately after they have been counted outside every polling station. These elections need to be free and fair and cannot be rigged. I want to say to the African Union, particularly, the SADC observers, I invite you to go into Zimbabwe and make sure that no acts of intimidation or vote rigging takes place, that this election truly at the end of it represents the people”.
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“I call upon all the citizens of this continent, let us stand strong and ensure that democracy will prosper in the nation of Zimbabwe.”Maimane
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Meanwhile, elections in Zimbabwe have had its great share of controversial endings, with oppositions accusing the ruling party of rigging the votes. Already some civil organisations such as the Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition have made some damning accusations. The organisation says that it has done assessments from January 2022 to date assessing the electoral environment of Zimbabwe and the verdict was that the electoral process is not free, fair and credible.