Grace Mugabe Under Investigation for Running Ivory Poaching Syndicate
Former Zimbabwe First Lady, Grace Mugabe, is allegedly under investigation for running an ivory poaching syndicate, which also smuggled gold and diamonds out of Zimbabwe, according to the UK’s Telegraph. In an exclusive interview with Australian photo-journalist Adrian Steirn (whom many will remember for his incredible series of photos of the Pangolin Men, and of […]

Former Zimbabwe First Lady, Grace Mugabe, is allegedly under investigation for running an ivory poaching syndicate, which also smuggled gold and diamonds out of Zimbabwe, according to the UK’s Telegraph.
In an exclusive interview with Australian photo-journalist Adrian Steirn (whom many will remember for his incredible series of photos of the Pangolin Men, and of South African rhino Hope), the Telegraph reveals that Steirn (incredibly bravely!) went undercover as a ‘customer’ to expose the wife of former President Robert Mugabe (94)… and that it is the “very strong” evidence he uncovered in a four-month operation, that has led President Emmerson Mnangagwa to order an ‘urgent’ investigation. (Mnangagwa is known for his pro-conservation stance, which has been chronicled by Steirn himself.)

In a sting operation in February, two suspected poachers were arrested after attempting to sell Steirn elephant tusks. The suspects have allegedly named Mrs Mugabe (52) as the mastermind behind the criminal activity.
Mrs Mugabe has not yet been charged. A full enquiry is apparently underway, and other high-profile figures in Zimbabwe are also being investigated, although at this stage Robert Mugabe is not implicated.
Speaking exclusively to the Telegraph, Steirn said: “For years I’ve been documenting the frontline poachers who end up serving 20 years for shooting a giraffe. Meanwhile, she was taking billions of dollars out of the country.
“If they charge and arrest her, and she goes to jail for wildlife crimes, that will change the dynamic of the entire perception of wildlife trafficking across Africa.”
According to an interview with Zimbabwe’s Daily News two days ago, the country’s Environmental Minister Oppah Muchinguri said it has come to light that Mrs Mugabe would sometimes raid the ivory stockpile at the Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority (ZimParks), and claim it was gifts for other First Ladies in Asia.
One registered ivory dealer has reportedly revealed how he handled tusks stolen from government stockpiles, on behalf of Grace Mugabe. In a recorded conversation he apparently refers to how he depends on “the president and first lady” to get the tusks out of Zimbabwe.
Mrs Mugabe was allegedly able to smuggle ivory – as well as possibly gold and diamonds – out of Zimbabwe by using her privilege as First Lady to be exempt from security screenings at airports. Her immunity also included any non-personal cargo assigned to her name.
Steirn, who will be the state’s main witness, has already received death threats. In separate incidents in the past year, at least two key anti-poaching activists in Africa have been murdered, including South African conservationist Wayne Lotter who was assassinated in Tanzania and Esmond Martin who was found murdered in his home in Kenya last month.
In a statement, Minister Muchinguri said: “Earlier this month an investigative journalist brought to my attention allegations of corruption, fraud, mining in national parks, and illegal trafficking of ivory, horn, and other items being conducted by individuals associated with the former administration.
“The evidence was strong enough for me to raise it with President Mnangagwa. As a result the president took the step of dissolving the entire ZimParks board on 22 February.”
Please read the full story in The Telegraph here.
#ThankYouAdrianSteirn #GoingAboveAndBeyond!