Certain apps and app functions need to stay at home when you're on vacation. Image: canva

Home » Smartphone apps that kill your battery when travelling

Smartphone apps that kill your battery when travelling

There are many apps and app functions that will not only drain your phone battery but your holiday fun too. Here are four to be aware of…

14-10-24 17:14
Certain apps and app functions need to stay at home when you're on vacation. Image: canva

We all know vampires drain your life force, but have you considered the digital kind? Just like those creatures of the night, some apps feast on your phone’s bat-tery and data, leaving you frustrated on your precious holiday. Luckily, tech expert Julian Goldie has a few tips to help us navigate this digital minefield.

“These apps act like technological vampires,” says Julian. “They lurk in the background, silently draining your resources and leaving you for dead – your phone that is – with a hefty data bill. Not exactly the relaxing escape you were hoping for.”

Here are some apps to to be aware of:

1. The Social Media Sirens:

We all love sharing those envy-inducing holiday pics, but constant refreshing and endless scrolling eats through data and battery life faster than you can say ‘hashtag wanderlust’.

Julian’s Tip: “Schedule social media time! Set aside specific times to check and post, and resist the urge to constantly refresh, minimising data usage.”

2. The Location Leech:

Navigation apps are a lifesaver, but those constant GPS updates can suck the life out of your phone.

Julian’s Tip: “Download offline maps before you leave. Most navigation apps allow you to save specific areas for offline use, ensuring you stay on track without draining your battery.”

3. The Streaming Sucker:

Catching up on your favourite shows while poolside sounds great, but streaming videos gobbles up data like a vampire facing a blood bank.

Julian’s Tip: “Download movies and shows before setting off. Many streaming services allow offline viewing. Consider downloading some fun podcasts for when data is unavailable.”

4. The Autoplay Acolyte:

Social media apps and news feeds that autoplay videos are notorious battery drainers.

Julian’s Tip: “Disable autoplay features in your app settings. It might take an extra click to watch a video, but your phone will thank you.”

Bonus Tip: “Consider switching off location services and Bluetooth when not in use.” Julian advises. “These features are a bit of a Count Drag-ula and can drain battery even when you’re not actively running an app.”

Following these tips and identifying those lurking vampire apps on your phone should help you avoid a data disaster and leave your holiday escape as just that – an escape! Julian reminds us, “Remember, a little tech-awareness goes a long way in protecting your phone and preserving your precious holiday memories.”