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Here are a few road safety tips to remember. Image: canva 

Home » Four expert road safety tips to remember before your Sho’t Left 

Four expert road safety tips to remember before your Sho’t Left 

Taking a Sho’t Left this Tourism Month? Here are four essential road safety tips to remember before you head out…

23-09-24 13:22
road safety
Here are a few road safety tips to remember. Image: canva 

September is Tourism Month and is the perfect time to celebrate South Africa’s rich cultural heritage, stunning landscapes, and incredible communities. With Spring ushering in a season of festivities and outdoor adventures, the number of both international and local travellers also steadily increases. While this boost is great for tourism, it also means more vehicles on the road and a greater risk of accidents.

To stay safe, Siyakha Masiye, spokesperson at MiWay Insurance, urges drivers to be on high alert.

“As we prepare to welcome the warmer weather and the opportunity to venture outdoors again, let’s not let road accidents put a damper on our celebrations. Now is the time to focus on basic safety measures to reduce the risk of road congestion.” Masiye says.

Masiye shares the following road safety tips to help drivers while out and about:

1. Check your vehicle’s condition before you depart

Ensuring your vehicle is in good condition is just as vital as practising safe driving. Check your car’s oil, water, and fuel levels, and confirm that your spare tyre is properly inflated and puncture-free. It’s also useful to have a few basic tools on hand to use in the event of an accident or emergency stop. These include a jack, jump starter kit, first aid kit and warning triangle.

2. Stay alert and take regular breaks

This time of year, is a great opportunity for long road trips around the country, but even seasoned drivers can lose concentration on extended excursions. Plan to take regular breaks, stopping every one to two hours to stretch your legs and have a rest or a snack if you’re the designated driver.

Staying alert is crucial, especially on highways where you’ll be sharing the road with large vehicles, buses, and trucks.

Hydration is equally important, so balance your caffeine intake with regular water breaks. Driving with the window down can also help keep you refreshed, while engaging podcasts or audiobooks can maintain your mental sharpness during long journeys.

3. Be mindful of other drivers

Driving safely isn’t just about your own habits; you need to be aware of others on the road too. Reckless or drunk drivers pose significant risks, especially during busy periods. Keep aware of your surroundings by regularly checking your rear and side mirrors, even on long stretches of road. This helps you anticipate potential hazards and avoid drivers behaving unpredictably.

Also keep in mind that foreign visitors might not be familiar with South Africa’s road safety rules. Exercising extra caution around other motorists can make all the difference in avoiding accidents.

4. Ensure your insurance is up to date

One of the most effective ways to protect yourself on the road is to have comprehensive vehicle insurance. Before setting off, review your policy to understand what you’re covered for. In the event of an accident, insurance can prevent significant financial loss, making it a crucial investment.