Here are seven inconsiderate things people do at hotels. Image: canva

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Hotel etiquette: Eight rude things you should never do

Wondering if you’re the perfect hotel guest or not? Here are seven things that are considered rude to do at hotels…

07-08-24 12:46
Here are seven inconsiderate things people do at hotels. Image: canva

Hotels generally aim to provide a relaxing and enjoyable experience for all guests, but certain behaviours can disrupt this atmosphere and negatively impact others during their hotel stay. Here are eight rude things you shouldn’t do at hotels. Are you guilty of them?

1. Being noisy in hallways and rooms

One of the most common complaints in hotels is noise. Loud conversations, blaring TVs, or music can disturb other guests, particularly late at night or early in the morning. Be mindful of your noise levels and remember that hotel walls can be thin. Keep your voice down, use a lower volume for music or TV, and avoid making noise in hallways, especially during quiet hours.

2. Ignoring housekeeping schedules

Housekeeping staff work on tight schedules to ensure that rooms are cleaned and maintained efficiently. Constantly requesting service at inconvenient times or leaving the “Do Not Disturb” sign on all day can disrupt their routine. Communicate your needs clearly and respect the housekeeping schedules. If you don’t need your room cleaned daily, let the staff know to make their job easier.

3. Monopolizing public areas

Hotel public areas such as the pool, lounge spaces, and breakfast rooms are meant to be shared by all guests. Hogging poolside chairs, occupying lounge spaces for hours, or taking up breakfast tables long after finishing your meal prevents others from enjoying these amenities. Be considerate by sharing these common areas and not overstaying your welcome.

4. Leaving a mess

Treating hotel rooms and public areas carelessly creates extra work for the staff and an unpleasant environment for other guests. Leaving trash, spills, or general messiness is not only disrespectful but also inconsiderate. Keep your space tidy by disposing of trash properly, cleaning up after yourself, and treating the property with care.

5. Disregarding smoking policies

Smoking in non-designated areas is a major inconvenience and health concern for other guests. It can cause discomfort and potential health issues, especially for those with allergies or respiratory problems. Always adhere to the hotel’s smoking policies and use designated smoking areas. This consideration ensures a pleasant stay for everyone.

6. Using amenities excessively

Overusing hotel amenities like towels, toiletries, or breakfast items can be wasteful and inconsiderate. Remember that these resources are shared among all guests. Use only what you need and avoid unnecessary consumption. This mindful behaviour helps in maintaining a sustainable environment and ensures that amenities are available for everyone.

7. Holding up the elevator

During busy times, holding up the hotel elevator by blocking doors, unnecessarily pressing buttons, or preventing others from getting on can be extremely frustrating. Be considerate by allowing others to enter and exit smoothly and by pressing only the buttons you need. This small act of courtesy can significantly improve the experience for everyone.