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Six ways to stay entertained on long flights

Wondering how you can pass the time on especially long flights? Here are six great ways you can keep entertained…

21-07-24 09:47
Looking for ways to beat the boredom blues on long flights? Image: canva

Long flights can be a test of patience, but with a little preparation, they can also be an opportunity to relax and enjoy yourself. Here are six great ways to keep entertained on long-haul flights…

1. Watch movies and TV shows

One of the best ways to pass the time on a long flight is by indulging in movies and TV shows.

Streaming services like Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Disney+ allow you to download content for offline viewing. Before you leave, load up your device with a selection of movies and episodes from your favourite shows.

Many airlines also offer an extensive range of movies and TV shows through their in-flight entertainment systems. Check the available options and plan your viewing schedule to keep yourself engaged throughout the flight.

2. Read a book or listen to audiobooks

If you love to read, a long flight can be the perfect opportunity to dive into that book you’ve always been meaning to read.

E-readers like the Kindle are also perfect for travel, allowing you to carry multiple books in one slim device. Or for those who prefer listening, audiobooks are a great option. Apps like Audible offer a vast selection of titles, and listening to a captivating story can make the hours fly by.

3. Play games

Gaming can also be a highly engaging way to spend your time on a flight. Download a few mobile offline games to your phone or tablet before you take off. Puzzle games, strategy games, and casual games can keep you entertained for hours.

Or if you wish, portable gaming consoles devices like the Nintendo Switch are ideal for travel. Bring along a couple of your favourite games and enjoy immersive gaming experiences while you fly.

4. Listen to music and podcasts

Music and podcasts can also be soothing and entertaining, making them perfect companions for a long flight. You can create playlists for different moods or activities, such as relaxing, working, or sleeping. Services like Spotify and Apple Music allow you to download playlists for offline listening too.

Podcasts are also great to pass the tiem! Download episodes of your favourite podcasts or explore new ones.

5. Learn something new

You could also use your flight time productively by learning something new like a new language or skill

Apps like Duolingo, Rosetta Stone, and Babbel are excellent for learning a new language. Practice vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation while you’re in the air.

Platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and Khan Academy offer downloadable courses on a wide range of topics. Whether you’re interested in history, science, or personal development, there’s something for everyone.

7. Relax and meditate

Sometimes, the best way to spend a flight is to relax and take care of your mental well-being.

Apps like Headspace and Calm offer guided meditations and relaxation exercises, perfect for finding some peace amidst the hustle and bustle of travel. Catching up on some sleep is also great to do on lon flights .Bring a travel pillow, eye mask, and earplugs to help you get some rest. Sleeping on the plane can also make a significant difference in how you feel when you arrive at your destination.