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Home » Fun indoor games to keep your dog entertained

Fun indoor games to keep your dog entertained

If the weather is too hot or cold and outdoor options are limited, indoor games provide great entertainment and mental stimulation for your dog.

08-03-24 12:35
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How do pets get ringworm? Image: Pexels

When the weather outside is frightful or circumstances prevent outdoor activities, keeping your dog entertained indoors becomes essential. Fortunately, numerous indoor games can provide mental stimulation and physical activity for your furry friend.

As per Purina’s advice, ensuring ample indoor activities for our canine companions is essential to keep them entertained and to facilitate enrichment and bonding. This underscores the importance of indoor games designed specifically for dogs, offering a plethora of play opportunities to meet these requirements.


Hide and seek isn’t just for children; dogs love it too! Find a hiding spot and call your dog’s name. As they search for you, they engage their senses and problem-solving skills. Start with simple hiding spots and gradually increase the difficulty as your dog becomes more proficient. Remember to reward them with treats or praise when they find you.


Tug of war is a great way to engage your dog’s natural instincts to tug and chew. Use a durable rope toy and establish clear rules to ensure safe play. Allow your dog to win occasionally to keep the game fun and engaging. Supervise the game closely to prevent any accidents and always end on a positive note.


Interactive toys, such as puzzle feeders and treat dispensers, provide mental stimulation and entertainment for your dog. These toys require your dog to solve a puzzle or manipulate the toy to access a treat, keeping them engaged and occupied. Rotate different toys to prevent boredom and stimulate your dog’s curiosity.


Don’t let limited space deter you from playing fetch with your dog. Clear a designated area in your home and use soft toys or plush balls for indoor fetch. Start with short distances and gradually increase the length of your throws as your dog gets the hang of it. Make sure to choose an area free of breakable objects to avoid accidents.


Set up a mini obstacle course using household items like chairs, cushions, and tunnels. Guide your dog through the course using verbal cues and rewards. This game not only provides physical exercise but also helps improve your dog’s agility and obedience skills. Customize the course to match your dog’s abilities and make it a fun challenge for them.

Conclusion: Indoor games offer a fantastic way to keep your dog entertained and mentally stimulated, especially when outdoor activities are limited. Incorporate these games into your routine to strengthen the bond with your furry friend and provide them with much-needed enrichment. Remember to prioritize safety, supervise playtime, and adjust the games to suit your dog’s individual preferences and abilities. With a little creativity and effort, indoor playtime can be just as enjoyable and rewarding for both you and your dog.