Swimming dog
Give your dog fresh drinking water right after swimming. Image: Helena Lopes/Pexels

Home » Is it necessary to teach my dog how to swim?

Is it necessary to teach my dog how to swim?

Whether you have a pool, visit the river or go to the beach in summer, any water can be risky for your dog. Teach your dog how to swim.

06-09-23 20:58
Swimming dog
Give your dog fresh drinking water right after swimming. Image: Helena Lopes/Pexels

It’s important to teach your dog how to swim, even if you’re not often around water.

Whether you have a pool, visit the river sometimes, or go to the beach in summer, any water can be risky for your dog.

If a dog can’t swim and gets into water, they could drown.

Teaching them to swim reduces the chance of drowning, whether it’s in a pool, lake, or the ocean.

Teaching dogs how to swim. Image: Blue Bird/Pexels


Swimming is a good exercise that’s gentle on a dog’s joints.

It’s great for older dogs and those carrying extra weight.

It can also help them use up extra energy and feel less stressed.

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Learning to swim boosts a dog’s confidence.

This makes them more confident in facing other challenges in life.

Like meeting new people or trying out an agility course.

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Swimming is an excellent way for your dog to release built-up energy.

It prevents them from acting out at home because of boredom or frustration.

So, it’s a win-win for you and your pup.


If the water is too cold for you, it’s probably too cold for your pet.

Make sure the water is warm enough to prevent hypothermia.

Keep dog swimming lessons short at the start.

This helps them avoid getting too tired or swallowing too much water.

Set a timer for 10 minutes and then stop or take a break.

Give your dog fresh drinking water right after swimming.

This is extra important at the beach because of the salty ocean water.