Leon Schuster Shares Miracle He Saw Before His Beloved Mom Passed Away at 100
South African filmmaker and comedian Leon Schuster has shared a moving revelation of what he witnessed in the final hours before his beloved mother, Jessica Schuster, sadly passed away on Mother’s Day, Sunday 8 May, at the age of 100. Leon said the experience reawakened a faith within him, and brought him “back to God’s […]

South African filmmaker and comedian Leon Schuster has shared a moving revelation of what he witnessed in the final hours before his beloved mother, Jessica Schuster, sadly passed away on Mother’s Day, Sunday 8 May, at the age of 100. Leon said the experience reawakened a faith within him, and brought him “back to God’s bosom”.
Born on 28 February 1922, Leon’s mom – who according to legend once dated heart pioneer Dr Chris Barnard – spent the latter half of her life living in Bloemfontein, where Leon and other members of the family gathered for her final days.
Writing in Afrikaans, Leon said the ONLY time his mom opened her eyes and he saw a flicker, was when his sister-in-law was reading Psalm 23 to her. Before that, he said, the experience of watching her on her “last legs” and suffering severely had been “heart wrenching”. Her beautiful smile was gone.
And then a miracle happened, and as his sister-in-law read Psalm 23, Leon rejoiced at what he saw.
The SA actor and director, who turns 70 later this month (21 May), said: “I don’t know what’s going on in her grey face but it’s SURE: She is experiencing SOMETHING. She sees something that we cannot see and it is only the Holy Spirit that can process something like that. It gives so much comfort and is a miracle! Her beaded eyes swim in the tears and then I KNOW the light that shines through the tears is the Light from Above. And there is even the indication of a smile!
“This is for me a personal journey back to the Truth that I once had, but lost in the meantime.”
He said while it was awful to watch his mom through her suffering, the miracle he witnessed lifted him “back to God’s bosom”.
Afrikaans is Great but Jesus is Greater!
Leon quoted ‘God works miracles in strange ways’, and added “we should not ask questions – He will provide the solution! Such a fantastic moment in my life! Afrikaans is Great but Jesus is Greater!
“Even if this piece only means something to ONE person, there is victory!”
Judging from the thousands of comments, Leon’s truth has hit home for many South Africans. (Read his original Afrikaans version below.)
In separate news, Leon’s latest movie – ‘Mr Bones 3 Son of Bones’ – is proving to be a runaway success, and is in the Top 5 movies at South African cinemas right now, based on box office results from this past weekend (6-8 May). Before the weekend it had already made over R4-million! (Watch trailer below.)
WATCH Trailer: Mr Bones 3 – Son of Bones
Leon ‘Schuks’ Schuster’s message about his mom, in Afrikaans:
“Ek is tans in Bloem waar my ou 100-jarige Moeder in erge lyding op haar laaste bene staan. Hartverskeurend. Weg is haar mooi glimlag, maar vanoggend…..toe jubel ek toe my Skoonsus vir Haar Psalm 23 voorlees en dit die ENIGSTE keer is wat Sy haar oe oopmaak en ek n opflikkerinkie sien. Ek weet nie wat in haar gryse koppie aangaan nie maar dis VERSEKER: Sy ervaar IETS. Sy sien iets wat ons nie kan Sien nie en dis net die Heilige Gees wat so iets kan bewerk. Dit bied soveel troos en is n wonderwerk! Haar kraaloogjes swem in die trane en dan WEET ek die lig wat deur die trane skyn is die Lig van Bo. En daar is selfs die aanduiding van n glimlag! Hierdie is vir my n persoonlike reis terug na die Waarheid wat ek eendag gehad het maar intussen verloor het. Ek is doelbewus deur haar lyding – wat verskriklik is om te aanskou – teruggepluk na God se Boesem! ‘God works miracles in strange ways.’ Ons moenie vrae vra nie – Hy Sal die oplossing gee! So n fantastiese oomblik in my lewe! Afrikaans is Groot maar Jesus is Groter! Al beteken die stukkie net vir EEN persoon iets is daar oorwinning!”