Pandora Papers: Carte Blanche Previews HUGE Global Investigation by 600 Journalists
Why would more than 600 journalists from 117 countries collaborate on a global investigation of jaw-dropping scope? Find out tonight as Carte Blanche previews what is set to be the largest journalistic collaboration in the world to date – the Pandora Papers! With millions of leaked documents, Carte Blanche joins a global investigation into the […]

Why would more than 600 journalists from 117 countries collaborate on a global investigation of jaw-dropping scope? Find out tonight as Carte Blanche previews what is set to be the largest journalistic collaboration in the world to date – the Pandora Papers!
With millions of leaked documents, Carte Blanche joins a global investigation into the secretive industry of offshore systems that some of the world’s rich – from celebrities to businessmen and politicians – use to hide assets and skirt tax rules.
Carte Blanche says: “EXCLUSIVE! We join @icijorg exploring the secret #PandoraPapers and expose some of those behind offshore accounts awash with trillions of dollars in dirty money.”
Watch #CarteBlanche tonight for this exclusive reveal at 7pm on Sunday 3 October in South Africa on DStv Now or stream it overseas in most countries from 5 October if you’re abroad. (Produced by Latashia Naidoo and presented by Macfarlane Moleli.)
EXCLUSIVE! We join @icijorg exploring the secret #PandoraPapers and expose some of those behind offshore accounts awash with trillions of dollars in dirty money. Join #CarteBlanche 7pm for the #PandoraPapers. #MNet101 pic.twitter.com/npOdtTAzO7
— Carte Blanche (@carteblanchetv) October 3, 2021
Watch the show overseas | Watch in SA on DStv Now
UPDATE: Pandora Papers South Africa, Africa and Key Points to Know about the #PandoraPapers!
Also on Carte Blanche this Sunday, 3 October 2021
Police Culture of Brutality

In 2014, Zinakile Fica died in police custody in KwaZulu-Natal. A forensic pathologist concluded that an old apartheid-era asphyxiation method called “tubing” was likely the cause of the heart attack he had suffered. To what extent do police still use this terrifying torture tactic today? An investigation uncovers how some members of the police service are still using this method to torment people in police custody. (Producer: Daneel Knoetze | Camera: Anton Scholtz | Presenter: Macfarlane Moleli)
Of tonight’s show, presenter Macfarlane Moleli says:
“This investigation reveals police still using apartheid-style interrogation tactics which have led to fatalities. The trend seems most prevalent in KZN, which begs the questions: why… and why are we not seeing strong enough punitive measures from IPID? Or could the SAPS be ignoring IPID recommendations?”
Watch the show overseas | Watch in SA on DStv Now
Unsafe Haven
It seemed like a novel and promising concept – a peaceful stretch of land with low-cost dwellings for vulnerable elderly people dependent on government grants. But it turned out to be a squatter camp with unhygienic ablution facilities, no electricity, water rationing and allegations of financial exploitation levelled at the founder of the not-for-profit organization. Carte Blanche goes undercover to investigate the supposed safe haven for the aged. (Producer: Liz Fish | Presenter: Derek Watts)

PAYING TRIBUTE: Top Cop Takes it Personally
Carte Blanche presenter Masa Kekana says: “Sergeant Catherine Tladi is a ray of hope for many women in a country that’s infamous for having one of the highest incidences of rape in the world.”

He is a man who spent five years terrorising women of all ages from Pretoria’s east to western suburbs. Now, serial rapist Sello Abram Mapunya is serving over a thousand years in prison. Heading the team of investigators on the high-profile case, Sergeant Catherine Tladi of the Gauteng Serial Electronic Crime Investigations (SECI) Unit paid a high personal price to become the hero that’s now changing the world one conviction at a time. Carte Blanche meets the incredible officer who used tragedy in her own life to restore women’s lives. (Producer: Busisiwe Gumede-Chizhanje | Presenter: Masa Kekana)
Watch the show overseas | Watch in SA on DStv Now
If you’re in SA – you can watch Carte Blanche on DStv Now.
If you’re overseas – you can watch #CarteBlanche from Tuesdays, and thousands of other popular local South African shows & movies by subscribing to Showmax International now. You can try it FREE for 14 days.
Carte Blanche is on M-Net & M-Net HD [101], 3 October 2021 at 19:00 & again on M-Net Plus 1 [901] at 20:00
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