Outgoing SA Auditor General Joins United Nations IAAC
Kimi Makwetu, the highly respected auditor general of South Africa who ends his term on 30 November, was today appointed to the United Nations’ Independent Audit Advisory Committee, the IAAC, during its 5th Committee elections. Members of the IAAC are appointed in their personal capacity on the basis of broad geographical representation, and are independent […]

Kimi Makwetu, the highly respected auditor general of South Africa who ends his term on 30 November, was today appointed to the United Nations’ Independent Audit Advisory Committee, the IAAC, during its 5th Committee elections.
Members of the IAAC are appointed in their personal capacity on the basis of broad geographical representation, and are independent of the governments that nominated them, according to the UN body’s website.
The IAAC assists the General Assembly in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities. The committee, which at present has five members, has four meetings a year.
UPDATE 11/11/20: South Africa’s Auditor General Kimi Makwetu has sadly died.