Namaqualand’s Famous Wild Flowers Flourish in 2020 After Years of Drought
After three years of drought, Namaqualand (Namakwaland) is boasting a spectacular display of wildflowers, flourishing in every corner of the Northern Cape area… with an array of colours and shapes heralding a splendid and welcome spring (after a long winter Lockdown in South Africa!). Hester SophiaEsta Marais captured these beautiful photos of the 2020 Namaqualand […]

After three years of drought, Namaqualand (Namakwaland) is boasting a spectacular display of wildflowers, flourishing in every corner of the Northern Cape area… with an array of colours and shapes heralding a splendid and welcome spring (after a long winter Lockdown in South Africa!). Hester SophiaEsta Marais captured these beautiful photos of the 2020 Namaqualand wild flowers…
Hester says: “I am sharing the flowers with you, just to show after years of drought, how much Namakwaland is giving back.” (Ek deel die blomme met julle net om te wys na jare van droogte gee Namakwaland baie terug. Groete.)
The Namaqua Flower Route stretches exquisitely from Nieuwoudtville to Springbok, with carpets of flowers beckoning visitors from around the country. (See Ted Botha’s current South African road trip here.)
It’s such a bright, stark contrast to three years ago…
More beautiful flowers photographed by Hester SophiaEsta Marais… in Nieuwoudtville, N. Cape: