South Africans Raise Thousands for Kind Petrol Attendant
South Africans have raised over R140,000 for the kind petrol attendant Nkosikho, who filled up a customer’s car with petrol, paying for it himself when she didn’t have the money… and in so doing filling up her heart with hope for South Africa. As reported by SAPeople on Thursday, Monet van Deventer realised – during an […]
South Africans have raised over R140,000 for the kind petrol attendant Nkosikho, who filled up a customer’s car with petrol, paying for it himself when she didn’t have the money… and in so doing filling up her heart with hope for South Africa.
As reported by SAPeople on Thursday, Monet van Deventer realised – during an early morning trip to Cape Town – that she’d forgotten her purse at home, and told him she unfortunately couldn’t fill up her tank.
His response was incredible: “Ma’am you can’t run out of petrol on the N2. I’ll throw in R100 and then you can just bring back my R100 whenever you are near again.”
He didn’t even ask for Monet’s name or number! Instead he only told her that she must drive safely.
When she returned to give him back the money, Monet asked him how come he had helped her and how did he trust that she would bring the money back?
His answer was:
“Ma’am I am a believer.”
In Monet’s post – which went viral on social media – she thanked him and said “Mag Jesus jou lewe bless!” (May Jesus bless your life.)
His life has truly been blessed since.
Monet posted the story on South Africa’s crowdfunding platform BackaBuddy. She said:
“Since Nkosikho saved my life I would love to do something in return for him. His 2 children, mom and brother live with him in Khayelitsha and he will really benefit from any donations.
“Nkosikho also informed me that he will love to do charity work and help children on the streets. I am hoping to raise the funds by 30 June 2019.”
Her target was R100,000. By 1 June, South Africans – who have also been filled with such hope by the story – had donated over R140,000!!!
The funds raised will be used for Nkosikho’s family who live with him, and for him to do charity work and help children on the streets.
As Monet says: “Nkosikho can inspire others to also make a difference by being friendly and polite to others…”
#InspiringSouthAfricans #ThankYouMonet #ThankYouNkosikho #ThankYouSA