Fabulously Flamboyant Red Blossoms in Pretoria and Barberton
Just after some South African streets – particularly in Pretoria – famously turn purple with Jacaranda petals, there’s a fabulously flamboyant flush of red flowers that are less well known. These are are Delonix regia… known in English as Royal Poinciana trees… or, quite aptly, Flamboyant trees! Fortunately Ria Viljoen in Pretoria and Sheryn Nader in […]

Just after some South African streets – particularly in Pretoria – famously turn purple with Jacaranda petals, there’s a fabulously flamboyant flush of red flowers that are less well known. These are are Delonix regia… known in English as Royal Poinciana trees… or, quite aptly, Flamboyant trees!

Fortunately Ria Viljoen in Pretoria and Sheryn Nader in Barberton captured these spectacular photos of the trees at the end of November.
“Pretoria was beautiful with a streets blooming with red blossoms to brighten up life,” says Ria. “I was blown away with the deep colour red in Rubida Street; the interesting green buds waiting to explode into flamboyant admirable purity of a true spectacular show-off.”
Magical and beautiful looking, in many tropical parts of the world the Flamboyant is grown as an ornamental tree.
Sheryn Nader, from Barberton Bliss, photographed the exceptional blooms close to Emjindini, on the way to Barberton, Mpumalanga.
Ria parked and walked on the middelmannetjie to capture some of the above photos and then on her way out, decided to video the fairytale-like scene for the rest of us…

As Ria says, Blossoms and Blessings…
Source: Ria Viljoen