Awesome Pics & Videos of Snow (Cows) and Snowboarding in South Africa
We’re still being ‘snowed under’ by more gorgeous photos and videos from the snowfall in South Africa this week… Elliot in the Eastern Cape MIKE GEYER: “Cows in the snow in Elliot… you’ve got to feel for the animals in the extreme weather conditions!” “On Thursday it was snowing so heavy in Elliot – amazing […]

We’re still being ‘snowed under’ by more gorgeous photos and videos from the snowfall in South Africa this week…
Elliot in the Eastern Cape
MIKE GEYER: “Cows in the snow in Elliot… you’ve got to feel for the animals in the extreme weather conditions!”
“On Thursday it was snowing so heavy in Elliot – amazing experience …was out and about chasing some snow pics…” More from Mike Geyer on Instagram: @mikegeyer2009
The Berghouse and Cottages, Drakensberg, KwaZulu-Natal
Beautiful photos from the Drakensberg… from Chantal and Vaughn Piccione at The Berghouse and Cottages.

“The following morning’s early light on the snowy mountains.”
‘Snowboarding’ in the Western Cape
South Africans are known for making the MOST of any situation – watch below as Dean Bannatyne and mates snowboard on the tiniest patch of snow… and then find the mother-load!
“We travelled a few hours outside Cape Town and managed to score big time,” says Dean. “Not expecting much snow, we were blessed with a blanket of snow on the top peak of the mountain. Took a good 3 hour hike to get to the top, but was well worth it and the stoke levels were high!” (Filmed and edited by Dean.)
Snow in Maclear
From Sunny SA to Snowy SA… this afternoon in Maclear in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. Thank you Laverne Vernie Jacobs (and your mom!). More snow pics: http://bit.ly/SnowySA
And one last snow photo from Mike Geyer: