Photo Tribute to SA’s Fire Fighting Heroes as Fire Season Starts Again
It’s fire season again in South Africa with Volunteer Wildfire Services (VWS) warning residents and tourists to Greater Cape Town that the forecast for tomorrow is in the ‘Very Dangerous’ range. After a tough 2015/2016 season, photographer JUSTIN SULLIVAN has created a photographic tribute to the teams that keep us safe… “I would like to take […]

It’s fire season again in South Africa with Volunteer Wildfire Services (VWS) warning residents and tourists to Greater Cape Town that the forecast for tomorrow is in the ‘Very Dangerous’ range. After a tough 2015/2016 season, photographer JUSTIN SULLIVAN has created a photographic tribute to the teams that keep us safe…
“I would like to take the opportunity to honour all those who battled fires on the front line – both on the ground and in the air, the management behind the scenes, and the public for their ongoing contributions,” says Justin.
“To all of those on standby for this season – stay safe, fight hard and good luck.”
VWS encourages residents to know their FDI (Fire Danger Index):
- BLUE: Risk is insignificant. Fires are unlikely to start.
- GREEN: Risk is low. Fires will start, but likely spread slowly.
- YELLOW: Risk is moderate. Fires are fairly readily ignited and spread unaided.
- ORANGE: Risk is high. Fires are readily ignited and spread unaided.
- RED: Risk is extremely dangerous. Any ignition source is likely to start a fire.
“Thank you to NCC Environmental Services for the Kit and the additional Fire Safety training, Enviro Wildfire Services – Western Cape & Greater Overberg FPA for their ongoing support…
“And a further thank you to everyone below for their role in keeping me safe at some stage on the front line and furthermore, for their efforts fighting fires this past season: Working on Fire – Cape Peninsula Fire Protection Association – CapeNature- Volunteer Wildfire Services – Table Mountain National Park – CapeAflame.”
To the rest of us, Justin says: “Please be fire safe this season – homes, property and wildlife are badly affected by the devastation of wild fires – be sure to report fires immediately.”
Cape Town: 021 480 7700, Overberg: 028 425 1690, Winelands: 021 888 5275
For more info on Fire Danger, visit: envirowildfire.co.za/ or vws.org.za/
The SA Weather Services publishes a daily FDI map, available here www.weathersa.co.za/home/fire-index
If the FDI in your area is ORANGE or RED, take extra precautions. Avoid open flames and report smoke immediately.
Photos © Justin Sullivan.
- Follow Justin Sullivan on Facebook: SullivanPhotographyZA
- …or visit his website – www.sullivanphotography.org