Urgent Video Message to World to Help Convict Alleged Rhino Kingpin in South Africa
Jamie Joseph, founder of Saving the Wild, has issued an urgent video message to everyone around the world who cares about South Africa’s rhino to please “MAKE A NOISE | SAVE #RHINOS” as the trial of an alleged rhino kingpin is due to begin on Monday. “Dumisani Gwala is out on bail right now,” says Jamie. “And […]

Jamie Joseph, founder of Saving the Wild, has issued an urgent video message to everyone around the world who cares about South Africa’s rhino to please “MAKE A NOISE | SAVE #RHINOS” as the trial of an alleged rhino kingpin is due to begin on Monday.
“Dumisani Gwala is out on bail right now,” says Jamie. “And I have very good reason to believe that a few months ago they could have arrested him again… But the operation was shut down!
“I am very concerned about this upcoming trial. Him and his defense are going to do everything in their power to try get off, and we mustn’t let this happen. That is why it is so important that Global Citizens make a noise, and South Africans attend the trial.
“Right now, every human voice and every human body is the difference between #Corruption and #justice.”
The trial runs 5-9 September at Ngwelezane courthouse (Empangeni), starts 9am.
“The Ultimate Betrayal – When a Ranger Becomes a Poacher”
by Jamie Joseph, Saving the Wild
There has been a lot of press coming out lately about #corrupt rangers, especially the case of Rodney Landela, an award winning regional ranger that was caught poaching a #rhino that had been put in his trust – a man that the younger rangers looked up to as their hero.
A #ranger killing a #rhino is the ultimate betrayal, but what needs to be put into perspective is that the absolute ultimate betrayal is within the brotherhood of #rangers.
I have met soldiers of this war that fought alongside Rodney Landela, and just the mention of his name turns them into a seething rage. Even now, a month later, there is a shockwave reverberating through Kruger over this despicable betrayal.
My point is, lets all try to show compassion when making comments about rangers on social media.
Our wildlife warriors are hurting on the inside, and as it stands they are invisible, and yet they are out there risking their lives with little thanks. What they need right now is our support so that they can continue to overcome great challenges.
Greed is a disease that has infected humankind since the dawn of man, and the wildlife industry is not immune to this.
I personally know the names of rangers in #Zululand that are supplying horns to rhino #kingpin Gwala, and yet there is nothing I can do about it – yet.
The system is broken. The system is on the side of the few dirty apples that are causing the rot.
Nothing is ever as it seems, but with determination, courage and integrity, we can eradicate this scourge.
- http://www.savingthewild.com
- Follow Jamie on facebook: savingthewild.com