Trevor Noah Gets Serious About Police Shootings in US WATCH
As two horrific shootings of black people by police in the US and the tragic fatal shooting of five policemen in Dallas by snipers yesterday – with one of the suspects reportedly saying before he died he wanted to kill all white people – leave many Americans divided (Pro-cop and anti-black or anti-cop and pro-black?), Trevor Noah says, […]

As two horrific shootings of black people by police in the US and the tragic fatal shooting of five policemen in Dallas by snipers yesterday – with one of the suspects reportedly saying before he died he wanted to kill all white people – leave many Americans divided (Pro-cop and anti-black or anti-cop and pro-black?), Trevor Noah says, “You can be pro both”.
To cheers from the audience, Noah said, “That’s what we should be aiming for”.
The shootings were of Alton Sterling n Baton Rouge, Louisiana (where he was pinned down on the sidewalk and apparently shot by a policeman at close range) and the horrific shooting of Philando Castile in a car in St Paul, Minnesota, which was live-streamed by the woman driving the car while the policeman stood outside the car pointing the gun at them and her child sat in the back seat.