In Memory of “Cecil” the Lion – Measures Taken to Protect Our Lions
On the anniversary of the death of a lion in Zimbabwe, which was known to researchers as ‘Cecil’, Four Paws organisation has taken stock of the trophy hunting situation. One year ago, on 1 July 2015, “Cecil” the Lion was killed by an American trophy hunter in Zimbabwe. The circumstances surrounding his death exposed the excesses […]

On the anniversary of the death of a lion in Zimbabwe, which was known to researchers as ‘Cecil’, Four Paws organisation has taken stock of the trophy hunting situation.
One year ago, on 1 July 2015, “Cecil” the Lion was killed by an American trophy hunter in Zimbabwe. The circumstances surrounding his death exposed the excesses of trophy hunting, and led to public outcry and world headlines around the world.
On this first anniversary Fiona Miles, Country Director at FOUR PAWS South Africa, explains, “The case of Cecil the Lion was one specific case that came to public attention and caused outrage. However, this tragedy should make us aware that Cecil was just one of many – he represents the innumerable lions killed every year by trophy hunters.”
For years now, FOUR PAWS have been fighting against the “canned hunting” in South Africa – a form of trophy hunting in which lions that are accustomed to humans, usually petted as cubs, are given little chance of escape within fences – and sometimes drugged – as hobby hunters pay large sums to shoot them.
South African Government figures show that 6,000 – 10,000 lions are currently being bred on over 200 breeding stations, specifically for this type of hunting, according to Four Paws.
In a press release Four Paws said: “Until now, South Africa has not done anything to hinder this shameful practice. Even hunting permits are still not even required, meaning that hunters – who are often inexperienced – frequently have to shoot an animal several times to finish it off. This leads to a slow and agonising death.”
However, new restrictions on the import of trophies in several countries are making business increasingly difficult for the lion breeders.
Miles says, “In certain areas, steps were already taken in the right direction, for example new import regulations, and a ban on transporting trophies on some airlines. Several hunting associations have also come out against canned hunting. But we certainly have a long way to go.”
An overview of successful measures to protect lions in Africa:
- Bans in Australia and France on importing lion trophies.
- Ban in the Netherlands on importing trophies from lions and 200 other endangered species.
- Stricter import requirements in the USA (the country with the most hunter-tourists): since January 2016, hunters wishing to import lion trophies must prove that the killing was necessary to protect lions living in the wild – which is in general very difficult to do. South African sources show that lion hunts involving hunters from the United States have decreased by 70 per cent.
- Great Britain is threatening to ban imports from 2017 if the African countries of origin do not maintain their lion numbers more effectively.
- Over 40 international airlines have banned or restricted the carrying of trophies.
- The South African hunting association PHASA has taken a firm stand against lion breeders in the country, and has distanced itself from this cruel form of hunting.
- Europe’s largest hunting fair, Germany’s “Jagd & Hund”, and the Austrian “Hohe Jagd & Fischerei” fair have undertaken to oppose canned hunting products and packages.
- Several African states have committed to calling for Africa’s lions to be promoted to the highest level of protection (CITES Appendix 1) at the upcoming international World Wildlife Conference, to be held in Johannesburg in September 2016. However, it is still uncertain whether the application will achieve the necessary majority.
Anyone wanting to help convince the South African Government to place a blanket ban on canned hunting can sign the FOUR PAWS petition here: http://www.realtrophy.org/petition