WATCH the Zuma Must Fall Video That’s Making Headlines
Don Clarke and Special Care’s music video ‘Zuma Must Fall’, which SAPeople.com shared last week, has taken off…making headlines in and clocking up tens of thousands of views with the lyrics being widely shared. This morning Clarke said: “As my song ZUMA MUST FALL edges towards 65K hits [which it has now surpassed] on YouTube […]

Don Clarke and Special Care’s music video ‘Zuma Must Fall’, which SAPeople.com shared last week, has taken off…making headlines in and clocking up tens of thousands of views with the lyrics being widely shared.
This morning Clarke said: “As my song ZUMA MUST FALL edges towards 65K hits [which it has now surpassed] on YouTube I realise that I have failed to thank my dear wife Wendy for making the lyric video. Without this video, the song would never have the same impact on YouTube.
“But here’s the interesting thing. She makes these videos using only a cellphone and Windows Movie Maker, an extremely basic video production program. Now that takes talent! Thank you sweetheart!”
The song’s so popular Chris Melly posted this pic on facebook:
But while that may be photoshopped, the song is making front page headlines in South Africa…